  • Día 5

    Peterhof Palace

    10 de abril de 2018, Rusia ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

    This morning we were venturing further out of the city to the Peterhof Palace. We had to use the metro and then catch a bus the rest of the way.

    First though we wanted to find somewhere to eat breakfast. Kyria really wanted to find a bakery this time so we headed to the metro and walked around the block until we came across one. As soon as we opened the door the smell that assailed ones nose was sublime! Warm and like fresh bread...funnily enough.

    We left with packets of croissants, cinnamon scrolls and a few other varieties to tide us over until lunch.

    The metro trip was pretty straightforward and we were able to walk out and almost immediately find a bus to take us out to Peterhof where the palace was located. It was more of a mini van than a bus but people seemed to be able to use their travel cards on it as well. The driver had all the money sitting in front of him on the dash and seemed quite adept at taking money and handing back change as he was driving! There weren’t that many seats though and people had to do some shuffling when others had to get off. Luckily it wasn’t full when we hopped on so we all found seats. It was about 1/2 hour - 40 minutes bus ride.

    It was nice to view the outskirts of St Petersburg as we drove past. We could imagine how beautiful it would look when it had greened up and the trees weren’t bare. There was still beauty there though.

    I have so many photos from today I’ll have to split this up a lot!
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