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  • Día 16


    21 de abril de 2018, Rusia ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    We were all very hungry by this time as we hadn’t had a proper meal since dinnertime yesterday so once we had dumped our luggage we set off to find somewhere for lunch. The others were remembering various spots we had walked around last time we were here. I don’t remember a lot of Moscow for some reason - aside from the main things we did.

    After lunch we walked back to the apartment to check in formally and pay. I stayed downstairs with Heidi who was delighted to find a playground just in the square below our apartment!

    Then we set off for a bit of a walk and a hunt for a bakery. There seemed to be some sort of spring festival or something going on as the main shopping areas had flowers, fairy lights and pretty decorations lining the streets - my favourite is the street with the butterfly fairy pretty!

    We found a bakery and I was able to get my longed for kakow (hot chocolate). Everywhere we had asked for one in Siberia we had drawn a blank. They seemed amused that we would ask for such a thing - perhaps it is more a child’s drink over here! I think things will be more expensive in Moscow compared to the other places we had visited - that was a small hot choc for nearly $6!!

    Mike and Kyria were going to see the Coppelia Ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre tonight so we didn’t stay out too long. We walked around the block to find the theatre as it wasn’t far from where we were staying.

    Back at the apartment there was a sudden thunder storm and downpour - the first rain we’ve had all trip! We didn’t have an umbrella so the boys went to find one in the supermarket in case it was still raining when Mike and Kyria had to walk to the ballet. Seems like the weather is going to be cold while we’re here. The wind has a real bite to it, makes your eyes stream cos it’s so cold!

    Eli was planning to stay up to watch the soccer with Mike when they came back but we both zonked our fairly early!
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