  • Dag 197

    Going home :(

    19 november 2015, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    The hotel’s restaurant had run out of pancakes / waffles so we went in search of somewhere to eat but didn't find anything appealing and ended up finishing off the coco pops. We hung around until midday - sadly the pool was still in the shade so no last minute sunbathing - and then caught a bus to the airport (64P; 30 mins).

    We checked in, paid an unexpected 330P departure tax (for staying over 7 days and coming in by bus) and sat in our last rays of Latino sun eating our last bag of e-number cheetos. Then we went through security and spent our last Pesos on a burrito (120P) - the nicest we've had in Mexico, possibly because it was a fast-food chain (Guacamole) made for Westerners!

    Our flight was at 4:30pm with American Airlines to Miami, then we were fast-tracked through customs / security and had a short wait before our 9pm BA flight to Heathrow. Good flight with tons of entertainment, good food and very British announcements!! We didn't get much sleep and had to share our row with another guy who didn't seem to want to move to one of the empty seats.

    We landed at 11am but our bags didn't come out until midday. Anna was dithering so I left her behind and legged it for the tube to Victoria and made my coach with 7 mins to spare. After a cold wait in Swansea where I got a falafel salad for dinner, I got another coach to Neyland and was picked up by the hippies.

    The next week was spent having an early family Christmas, not adapting well to jet lag and preparing for the ski season - woohoo!!!
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