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  • Day 30

    Angkor Wat 🤩🤩

    January 16 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    This morning the alarm clock was set early. Very early. It rang at 3:30 🥴 yes, a.m.
    The reason therefore was the upcoming sunrise tour to Angkor Wat, which started at 4:30a.m. at the hostel.
    And yes, getting up early totally paid off - experiencing sunrise at Angkor Wat was simply amazing. 🤩🤩

    With the tour we went to 5 temples that day - Angkor Wat, Bayon, Ta Keo, Ta Prahm (where Lara Croft was recorded) and Banteay Kdai.✌🏼
    If you think that's a lot...well, the area of Angkor is 20x20km, so what we saw today actually was just a fraction of what it has to offer! Can you imagine, that around 1 Mio people lived there in the 7th/8th century?! 😯 (As a comparison, London had 0.5 Mio citizens at the same time).

    However, the tour was interesting but rather long...returned to the hostel 10 hours later 🙈
    The rest of the day we just chilled at the pool of our hostel, did research on a special project we're realizing tomorrow 🤫 and had a few drinks during the poolparty of the hostel haha 🍸🍹🥂🍶🥃 and yes, we're still going on haha.
    Cheers to that!

    Soundtrack of the day:
    Sunrise - Norah Jones…
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