
Mayıs - Ağustos 2014
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    31 Mayıs 2014, Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Spent 11 weeks here as a volunteer teacher.
    I guess this is sort of the trip that started me going wanderlust.

    It started as i worked for AIESEC. And seeing all those people going to exchanges, i want to go too. My criteria? Going to a country I've never heard of before. So there i was in Uganda (tho i did hear about Uganda once it a game "What countries start with a U" "United States of America, duhhhh!" So that was cheating a bit 5555) but anyhow i crieddddd quite a few times the first few weeks there. Like "What the heck was i thinking?!!" It was hard at first cause i feel overwhelmed by all the expectation they had toward muzungu. The locals ALWAYS want to talk to you, and as a teacher i didnt do much of a good job so it was failure on both sides.

    It wasn't until after a month that I started to truly enjoyed Uganda. I just opened up. I just started hanging out with the kids more. I woke up early. I played with them before classes. I eat with them. Get water with them. I shared food with them (this point is important) and i even prayed with them (regardless of my disbelief in anything deity)

    My favorite part of the day is ALWAYS getting the water. It's a ....i dont know, just beautiful process. After class, getting your jerry cans to walk 15 minutes to the back of the town with the kids. Along the ways kids would come out from their houses and joined. Some would dragged you to their house! You see their resourcefulness, their creativity, & of course their strength!! 7 yr old carrying 20L of water is no small matter!

    I miss them all there... :/
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  • Gün 49

    Namayumba, Uganda

    18 Temmuz 2014, Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Apart from elementary school in Nansana. Occasionally, I have to come to Namayumba High School. I don't have a problem sleeping in the same bed as a student. But bahting naked with other people is just not my thing. But just like Nansana, I felt in love with Namayumba little by little. Kids here earned your respect. They literally built their own school. I'm talking they actually mold their own bricks and cemented the wall. It's quite a sight!

    And since Namayumba is more "rural" than Nansana. You get to feel more "like Africa" here. You only have signal if you climb up on the 2nd floor. Electricity comes and goes. No running water (well, in Nasana theres not much but theres at least some)

    But just like in Nansana the little ones get excited everytime they see a Muzungu! "Muzungu!! Muzungu!!!," they'd shout EVERY TIME you walked pass! And if you just played with them, I'm talking high five or Kafubaaa they would laugh and laugh. It's adorableeee!
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  • Gün 74

    Kasese, Uganda

    12 Ağustos 2014, Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    I actually promised myself I wouldn't travel around Uganda because I came here to volunteer, not to travel, and I wanted to allocate my time as such.

    But ahhh during my last weeks, Rev Kim & Rebecca, volunteers from the U.S. (& actually the main sponser of this school) came to visit & allowed me to tagged along with them to national park so I was like...."Gosh, that is hard to turn down!!!" 5555

    Before going to safari at Elizabeth National Park (near Congo) We also made a stop at Kasese, in one of the schools Rev Kim sponsored. They told me, if you think Namayumba is rural. Wait to see this. It is actually a town so far off grid. No clean water. Hard to live in. We spent only a few hours there (we had to get out fast before the rain pour down and block the road)

    Then we went to Safari which is actually more disappointing than I imagined (but then I did expect animals to jump out every few feets, so I guess that is never gonna happen anyway)

    But of course the coolest thing is standing on the earth equator!!! That was so so so so so cool!!!
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