• Day 4

    Day 4 - a short trip out

    September 8, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Well slightly overcast today, saw these little train excursions,they appear to go to quite a few different places so decided to do the hidden treasures excursion

    We travelled along the coast to gerani then headed off through a hidden ravine on the outskirts of vatolakos, through the villages of Gavranou and Koufosto to an old Cretan house and the winery of Manousakis family.
    It rained a bit but the wine was lovely 😜.
    Then our next stop, was at the hill-sides of Varipetro, to see the Greek Orthodox monastery of Metamorphosis,

    The monastery is run by nuns and is on top of a hill, with a great view of the area, surrounded by fruit trees. One of the nuns guided us around and wow I could have listened to her all day, a really fantastic talk by her, all about the environment and I tell you what she brought a tear to my eye, absolutely fantastic.
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