The journey begins

Well I'm sat here in Manchester Airport wondering how this trip will go - a long journey as I won't arrive in arusha until 9.00am on Saturday,
Ive a short stop at Istanbul and hope to arrive at dar esRead more
Well I'm sat here in Manchester Airport wondering how this trip will go - a long journey as I won't arrive in arusha until 9.00am on Saturday,
Ive a short stop at Istanbul and hope to arrive at dar esRead more
Well arrived at 02.15 and I've managed to get through immigration by 03.30, that's quicker than I expected but probably due to the flight in being half empty.
It's very beauraucratic - join a queueRead more
What a fantastic day its been herds of elephants zebra, wildebeest roaming around and close up, saw a pride of lions sleeping under a tree for shade _don't think I have the words yet for such sightsRead more
Early start up and along ngorongoro crater rim and then to the serengetti for afternoon game drive.
Saw different animals today but highlight was between a leapard resting and a pride of lions merrilyRead more
Today we stopped to watch Waterbuffalo Cross our path on their migration route.
Once at our campsite we found we were sharing the site with a small group of
Zebras who just looked and really didn'tRead more
Today we awoke to the campsite sitting in the low clouds, as we left simba to go into the crater thi gs cleared and we entered what is really a complete biosystem
To see lions sat just a few hundredRead more
This is awesome Steve, looking forward to following your travels. Grace x