July - August 2023
2 travellers enjoying a 'lazy' 1100 mile ride from the Southern end of Britain to the Northern end and then over to The Orkneys. Raising money for SWALLOW
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  • 35footprints
  • 2countries
  • 41days
  • 257photos
  • 2videos
  • 1.3kmiles
  • 333miles
  • Day 33

    Every year's a leap year

    August 16, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    At the Falls of Shin every year's a leap year if you're a salmon! We stopped there for lunch and were amazed that those fish could leap that waterfall. A breathtaking sight. People literally exclaimed every time one jumped. Sad thing is that once upon a time there were thousands doing it and now there are only a few. BUT Manda got a couple of pics whereas I failed completely!

    Last year as I rode up here I chatted to a guy about his beautiful raised beds. This year there he was again. We stopped, chatted and were invited in by Mark. He has spent 30 yrs creating a work of art in stone in his garden. Beautiful lines, swirling and graceful. What a joy to talk about and see. Then the offer of raspberries and mangetout to be enjoyed in the evening. We admired, picked and ate.

    Pictish art was seen and ticks picked up, unfortunately by me. We'll keep an eye out for Lyme's Disease.
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  • Day 34

    The most beautiful road in Scotland

    August 17, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

    You take the road from Lairg to Altnahara and then turn right to Bettyhill. The first 19 miles with no turns off, over the Flow Country; the next 22 miles alongside the Loch and River Naver. It's gentle, with wide panoramas, huge hills, magical heather and sudden reveals of new vistas. At the end the hills suddenly give way to the sea with the river flowing out through a golden beach into the sea. Perfection in a day's ride.

    Crask Inn gets an honourable mention. Owned by the Scottish Episcopalean Church it has long welcomed End to Enders.

    Passed a Clearance Village at Rosal. Just a clearing in the forest now. Cleared during the Highland Clearances. 15000 Gaelic speakers cleared from the valley in just 10 years. The Countess of Surherland built Bettyhill to house some of those evicted but most were forced out of the Highlands to make way for sheep.

    The views from Bettyhill are just stunning and where the river runs into the sea it turns a beautiful orange from the peat.

    Met Jan from Germany who donated a tenner to Manda's good cause. Nice chap and a good chat.
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  • Day 35

    The Longest Day

    August 18, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    But where was John Wayne when we needed his help and encouragement to win the day?

    We left Bettyhill and headed East. A breeze sprang up from the East. A 30mph plus howler thanks to Storm Betty blowing in straight in our faces. Up two of the longest hills you ever have seen. On the exposed tops it was difficult to make headway and when it came from the side we had to lean the bikes into it to keep going straight. Aching arms and hands. 36 miles and it did not relent. One last hill up a road that was straight for nearly two miles was a real heartbreaker but we finally made it.

    Lifesaver 1 was a cafe where we met two Belgian girls doing LEJOG for a wildlife charity and two Italian women doing it for 'pleasure'

    Lifesaver 2 was a cafe with a wind proof shelter and pea and ham soup. Same 2 Italians turned up. Their comment on the day was 'long, long, long, strong, strong, strong!'.

    Forecast tomorrow...heavy rain, strong winds (40mph+). Ouch
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  • Day 36

    I really wanted to stay in bed?

    August 19, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

    But Manda said NO. So out into the wind and wet we went. Horizontal rain.

    Waterproof clothing is as much use as blotting paper in conditions like that but I was very glad of the hood even if the rest didn't do much except keep us reasonably warm.

    I think I can safely say it was the worst riding conditions we have experienced.

    Lots of compliments to Amanda who completed her challenge like a good 'un. And raised £714 so far for SWALLOWS charity.

    Now to find a ferry to The Orkneys. Needless to say ours from JOG has been cancelled!
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  • Day 38

    Farewell to all that...

    August 21, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    ...the Orkneys can give.

    We found a ferry, arrived, cycled endless hills, saw endless pre-historic ruins (including a few inhabitants) and now await the ferry to Aberdeen.

    What more is there to say? The minions got here before us, the freshly caught fish is delicious, there's a man who rides a penny-farthing.

    The Italian Chapel, built by Italian POWs from two Nissen huts, is exquisitely beautiful.

    Can't wait to get home.

    And Amanda has raised £799.
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