Morning Stop

First Stop and probably rhe only one one tje way... was nice view - sunrise
First Stop and probably rhe only one one tje way... was nice view - sunrise
First night for my munchkin in a tent!!!
early next Morning in the sea 😉
First Visitor... so cool havent seen one that close before
Ans daddy and buddy were allowed to dive twice while we enjoyedRead more
Wee walk around the City and a very tasty dinner....
Very lazy Day at tje beach / camp - the men went diving and we spontan the day swimming, relaxen... and a wee play Session in the evening while waiting for the men come back from the ambulanz
Schneller gepackt als gedacht... but with a Sour finger perhaps brocken and not the best weather to come.. we're leaving today
Wait for the Ferrari, but the view is lovely!!
Just love these cars....
Trying picture the sunset...