  • Día 21

    Ziplining in EL Castillo

    25 de enero de 2021, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    The first two days we had a beautiful view to the Vulcano Arenal. On the 3rd day we went up for a hike in Arenal Observatory. It started already in the morning to get cloudy - anyway we hiked about 11 km at the foot of the Volcano without seeing him. So it was a nice walk, but a bit dissapointing because it was promised to see the Lava Flow. After 3 Hours we were back on the car and decided to go home. On the way back there was a sign of Skyadventures. Spontaneous we turned left and drove to the entry. On the parking area: 3 other cars. We saw a chance in it since the hike was not completely fulfilling. Alexa asked if there is still a run and the employee said promt: Yes in 10 minutes. You have to know that we had this topic before with Ari and he told us in Germany that he will not do it. But on the parking area he was the one who said. Come on, let's do it (Without knowing what it really means :-)) 
    So we bought Tickets. We were belted and went up on the Hill with an open Gondola. We learned that it will not be One Zipline rather then 7 from the Hill over the Valley and back. Ari saw the first Big Line(750 meter and 220 meter depth) and he understood his decision. Fortunately the really first one was a training line, since you have to break by your own ( i didn´t knew either) And the first he did even alone by himself. The next one was the big one. We decided together with the guides that it is better when somebody will drive with him. So he must be always the last one since there are 2 Guides - One in the front who drives to the other site and one always the last. So we drove before Ari and had to wait until he is comming with the last guide. We wondered really about his reaction but he cam down with a smile. We were bursting with pride. The Video can be found here:…
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