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    16. Dezember 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    We are going to the Pieman River, primarily to do the cruise. We did the Arthur River cruise a couple of years ago. There we met Trevor and Sarah and we have been trying for a while to find convenient dates for us all to go on this trip.
    The night before we leave we host a Christmas dinner for Rob, Susan and Suzie. Not the perfect preparation, but it was the only suitable date. And we had a really good time.
    On the Friday morning we first see Calum who arrives as we are leaving. He is starting a fence and courtyard walls. We organised him months ago, but of course, his availability coincides with our trip away. He will be installing the posts only while we are away. Hopefully he will get them in the right places.
    We drive along the (now familiar) Frankford Road towards Devonport. Familiar because we drove along it the day before yesterday to go to Devonport for some work on the car. First stop is Big Pot Nursery because we always need plants to fill our empty-ish garden. We browse - always a pleasure - and buy a dozen small groundcovers and screening plants (buddleias).
    Next stop is at Oliver's Bakery in Ulverstone. We have coffee and a catchup with Rob (a friend not the cousin). He will be framing a picture for us. While there we get a message from Trevor. He and Sarah can't come. Both have just returned from Hong Kong, Sarah has Covid. (Trevor catches it also the next day.) Bugger. But we are on the way, so will keep going.
    Scenic coastal drive to Penguin for our packed lunch overlooking the beach.
    We are staying at Tullah tonight and tomorrow. Not far along the very good Murchison Highway. We had turned off at Burnie.
    Our accommodation is at the Tullah Lakeside Lodge. Primarily for mining workers, it is utilitarian but the bar/restaurant overlooks Lake Rosebery and today looks its best in the sunshine.
    We have pre-dinner drinks outside looking at the lake then dinner in the restaurant. Satisfactory.