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  • Day 2

    Beginning ...

    February 21, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    We're doing another Spice Tour with cousin Herbie and Liz. This time in Northern India. Can you believe the last one was 3 years ago? Thanks, Covid.
    Last time we started off by selling our house the day before we left. This preparation should have been much more relaxing.
    For some reason our Queensland friends think Tasmania can only be visited in February. So we had Kevin and Wendy for 2 lots of 2 days in early Feb, then Robyn (special guest) for a few days right up until departure on the 20th. It was great having them and there were many laughs.
    To make absolutely sure of making the international flight from Sydney we stayed with Wayne and Jill in North Curl Curl for 2 nights before departure. So: flight from Launceston into Sydney, then airport train to Circular Quay then a very scenic trip down the harbour to Manly. Lots of yachts racing in the Monday evening twilight race.
    No Indian food for the last couple of days in Sydney so we had barbecues in the evenings. Highlights of the stay were a swim in the surf at Dee Why and some time fixing the suitcase that Virgin baggage handlers had bent. Couldn't use the extending handle properly, so Wayne and Tony 'repaired' it.
    Wayne kindly drove us to the airport for our departure.
    Singapore Air to Singapore then to Kolkata (ex Calcutta).
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