
Ekim 2016
Vander Wonders tarafından 17 günlük bir macera Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 1

    Living the dream

    1 Ekim 2016, Bermuda ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I took my first trip to the UK in 2004 after I failed CTA which planted the dream of traveling, i had the option to work at a small audit firm in 2005, but I chose to study full-time for another year in order to work for PwC as they frequently offered secondments to different locations in the world, as I would always be curious to see whats on the other side of the ocean. However at the end of my 3 year articles there was limited secondment opportunities available and i was devastated when all efforts to get a secondment was unsuccessful.
    When the Bermuda opportunity came about I wanted to grab it with both hands. We always planned to do an around the world trip after our initial 18 month contract with Deloitte Bermuda. We obviously did not factor in how great it would be to live in Bemuda, hence the reason for staying twice as long as planned.

    New years eve 2012, in a bar in Toronto, instead of new years resolution we set ourself goals to achieve in Bermuda, with the idea to go back home after we achieve those or at least start planning to move back home. Traveling around the world before we have kids was one of the goals.
    In the last 12 months we achieved all those goals.

    Naturally we started planing to move home but not until we do the trip of a life time.

    Initially we wanted to spend time in South America to start the trip, but the ZIKA virus had other plans. However as anyone who's planned a trip like this before will tell you that after doing the budget calculation you probably have to cut the trip by one third to make it feasible, so thats what we did by skipping South America. ZIKA really did us a favor then.

    Our idea was always to just buy an around the world ticket and go from there. While there are great deals for students, prices for 30 somethings are not as favorable. Deciding on a route also proved to be easier said than done.
    Without the backbone that a around the world ticket will give a trip like this we found ourselves questioning the feasibility of what we are trying to achieve here. Randomly Isabel found a repositioning cruise, that cross the Pacific from Seattle and takes you all the way down-under to Sydney and along the way stopping at most of the islands we would only have dreamt of visiting and boom we were back on track to live the dream.

    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 1

    Dreaming about it

    1 Ekim 2016, Bermuda ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    My dream came about more or less 15 years ago, during my gap year, when my friend Gabi and I kept busy with events catering in London. One evening we worked at a wedding & the bride &groom had an around the world honeymoon planned. I was amazed by this (and their wedding cake that was in the shape of a suitcase aka world map- wish i had an iPhone back then to take a snap) Since that day I dreamed about doing a "big" trip and travel around the globe.

    Then in Oct 2008 I met Roedolf who hasn't travelled as much as I did at a young age but had the desire to. To say the least he doesn't accept dreams to remain dreams he makes them come true. Roedolf's passion for a budget, a spreadsheet and a project plan put us on track. Yes a swot analysis was drawn up on new years day 2016 . Needless to say with teamwork (and arguments) we made it happen.

    I am truly blessed to say that today my dream ( thats became ours) is coming true.

    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 17

    Bucket list

    17 Ekim 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    This entry will probably always be in draft as this list will keep growing as we learn of more awesome things to experience. Thus this list is only our bucket list at this point in time.

    - Cycling 🚵 down a active volcano 🌋 ✅
    - Dive on the great barrier reef
    - Dive with sharks ✅
    - Dive through a school of hammerhead sharks
    - Dive with Whales 🐋
    - Swim with Whale-sharks ✅
    - Swim with dolphins ✅
    - Great white cage diving ✅
    - Hike the Milford sound
    - Watch a sunrise 🌅 on an active volcano 🌋 ✅
    - Witness a full moon 🌕 set on an active volcano 🌋 ✅
    - See the Grand Canyon ✅
    - Visit Alaska ✅
    - Do a snow-dogs tour on a glacier ✅
    - Visit Antartica or the Artic
    - Ski/Snowboard at Vail ✅
    - Ski/Snowboard on the Alps
    - See the northern lights
    - See the Egypt pyramids
    - See the Victoria Falls
    - Hike Macchu Pichu
    - Hike the 5 day Otter trail
    - Be a dad
    - Hold our first born for the first time
    - Be there for all the big family moments

    Hope i can ✅some of the above list off on this trip and hope I can add some more things to the list as we go on.

    Okumaya devam et