  • День 70

    Day 70 - Loop-di-loop

    18 апреля 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    Another day, another huge breakfast. This time without the crazy parking or queueing from yesterday.

    We decided we'd take another piece of John Senior from the Info Centre's advice and go on the 'Northern Loop' drive around the upper roads of Noosa. We started with Boreen Point knowing there was a lake and a potential to kayak. Well the lake sure was there but I'm guessing now Easter has gone so too have recreation businesses on a Tuesday. In fairness the lake was both brown and rough so probably not desirable conditions for water sports. We wandered around for a while spotting brightly coloured birds before heading to Elanda. Matt agreed to do a walking trail with me only for the potential of seeing a kangaroo. We took the shortest 5km trek and despite bug spray got dive bombed by midgies as we climbed over fallen trees, I guess maybe a remnant from the cyclone. Luckily Matt did spot 3 kangaroos on the path ahead - see blurry outlines in the photos - so there was no tantrum from him.

    We got hit by the 'no lunch service after 2' debacle and this forced us off loop back to the centre for a late lunch so we jumped on to the Central Loop drive instead and headed for the Botanic Gardens and Lake Macdonald for a stroll. We've hardly seen another soul as we've walked around today, a nice change from yesterday's craziness.

    We were torn between watching the Broadchurch finale and embracing the actual town we're lucky enough to be in. Embracing prevailed and we went on a hilly, bendy drive to Mount Tinbeerwah. The Sweat Box coped very well with the challenge. Luckily the steepness of the journey meant the walking part to the top and the lookout point wasn't too taxing and we got there just in time for another sunset. They're getting kind of boring now (not).

    As fast as we raced for sunset we raced home even quicker to watch Broadchurch, drink Bundy rum and eat a Thai takeaway. The end of the trip is rushing close now, just a week till we fly home!
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