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    24 South to Ushuaia

    30. November 2023 in Chile ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

    We bid farewell ( with a few drinks ) to some of the crew and hope to catch them in BA but some are getting off for good!
    A restful night and shower- breakfast farewells and back to the truck - it’s not a bus we are repeatedly told !
    Sun is out but drizzly ! It’s a sad farewell to most of the Andes.
    The young gang are happy to be reunited before they all separate after Usharia before regrouping at BA- Christmas breaks out with music on the speakers and the decorations are up !
    It’s a quiet trip - a bit of zip trouble and some alpaca sec spices the journey .
    We skirt the Pacific which has emerged from the Archipelago area of Western Chile past old 1880s red rooted , rusted estancias and wrecked ships .
    We take a very wind blown ferry at Puerto Progreso!
    We have to wait for a ferry and we bump into a bikers convention / 30 bikes doing Alaska t T. del Fuego! British organised plus a few yanks ! That would something John would have liked!
    Thought I was cooking tonight but looks like someone is stepping in - so that be end of it !
    The afternoon is scrub all the way …..flat rolling plain!
    We miss the penguins and camp for the last time.
    It’s cold and windy
    It’s another younger generation takeover of cooking but so what ,it’s their bus and we are just guests