  • Dag 21

    Queenstown Day 2

    25. februar 2018, New Zealand ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

    Today we woke up about 7:00 as we had to be in town for our rafting at 8:00. We got changed and headed into town. We meet at the information center and checked in. Whilst we were waiting for our bus we over heard another girl was doing the jet boat after the rafting in a combo. We enquired about this and added it onto our vouchure. We had a quick 15 minute bus ride to the river where we got into our wet suits, jackets and took a helmet and safety jacket. We then jumped onto another bus with a few other people. This bus ride was about 45 minutes and literally the scariest ride of Amanda's life. It was one of the most scenic routes traveling through the mountains alone the cliff edges. The road was so steep in places and we were literally driving on the edge of a 100 + meter drop. There would have been centimeters between the outter tyres and the edge of a cliff. So scary!!! Once we got there we had a safety briefing which made the whole experience of rafting sound really terrifying. The river we were rafting today was a level 4-5 difficulty. We had about 6 rapids that started off as a 3 then ended in several 4's and a large 5 rapid after a long 100 meter tunnel. Our boat did pretty well we didnt capsize and only a guy at the back of the boat briefly feel out. We completed the 16kms in roughly 2 hours. After the raft we quickly showered and headed to the speed jetboat. Now this was epid. We where doing speeds of 70kmph and doing 360 fast spins. The boat had 2 large V8 motors and glided along the water. Our driver was really good spinning the jet and driving into the rocks but not hitting them. We had a few asains behind us that were scared shitless. After we were finished we caught the bus back into town and started heading North. Once we left it started bucketing down again so we only briefly stopped at a few water falls not far from the road. We stopped not far past Makarora on Highway 6 at Pleasant Flat Campsite which was a small campground with toilet. We cooked some spaghetti sandwiches in the pouring rain and watched Godzilla.Læs mere