Unloxit 2024

January - June 2024
Some travels both domestic and distant, kicking off with the very first day of the year.. Read more
Currently traveling
  • 12footprints
  • 3countries
  • 165days
  • 119photos
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  • 17.4kkilometers
  • 6.9kkilometers
  • Day 145

    What did the Romanians ever do for us?

    May 24 in Romania ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    They created a wonderful country, that's what! It's not an obvious tourist choice for Brits but that's what we like about it. Firmly ensconced in eastern Europe, it's the only country in the region whose language is related to Latin and hence, Italian, Spanish and the rest. Although in the EU, Romania has its own currency, the leu (plural lei), a quirky infrastructure and is the home of Dracula, but since the downfall of Communism it definitely has ambitions to go places.

    So the three of us (Russell, Alan and I) arrive on a balmy afternoon where the temperature is perhaps 10C higher than that at home. The first full day we get to see that while Bucharest is nothing like as famous as say, Budapest or Prague, it's a dignified place with broad boulevards and 19th century monuments. The main branch of Christianity here is Orthodox and there are numerous tributes to this, mainly in a Byzantine style.

    Bucharest is packed with both quiet corners and noisy avenues---some of which boast outrageous parodies of styles from earlier ages. And it can be proud of a handsome population. Which is more than can be said for the President's palace, the giant folly from Ceausescu's time!
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  • Day 147

    Trainspotting in Romania

    May 26 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Our first foray from Bucharest is not the smoothest. At the Nord railway station, the indicator shows Platform 7 for our departure but when we get there, it has gone blank. Shouting the single word "Sibiu" to the one uniformed official on the platform, we find that the train sitting there is to a different destination. But not to panic: after this train has pulled out, it's not long before our train heaves in and we are ready to board. Albeit the coach numbers are not in numerical order and are pasted on sticky windows to the train carriages.

    The rolling stock dates from the early Ceausescu years but the seats are quite comfortable. Sibiu is less than 200 miles north-west of Bucharest but it's in no hurry and takes a nearly 6 hours to get there. But hey, we get there! A taxi from Sibiu's station takes us to an airy apartment with separate rooms for the one unit (not easy to find for a threesome) in the city's modern quarter. And we're now in Transylvania............

    It's easy to see how Sibiu, a city of about 150,000 people, has become an UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are three squares of varying size and a wealth of ancient city walls, churches and public buildings. Well worth a day of our time. There are various gastronomic pleasures of the naughty-but nice persuasion, even if at the outdoor bar we ourselves become naughty-but-nice pleasures for the midges. Maybe they like our northern European hides, even though these are rapidly darkening in the Romanian sun.
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