  • Dag 324

    Brazil Nuts H3 #201

    20 november 2021, Brazilië ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    After a night on the town, we collected our wits and donned or hash kit, and headed for the bus station. Sparky, one of the local hashers wanted to meet up at the bus station and ride out together, but the pack gathered, minus Sparky. Finally, just after our bus departed (without us) he turned up. So, after a bit longer wait, we found another bus that was going close to where we needed to go for our one hour journey. Fortunately, the hares were sympathetic, and drove down to get us for the final 5 kms to the start. Two hares and a pack of twelve set off on this 10 km trail out past the airport. Three hours and three beer checks later, we had once again returned to the start, where we fired up the BBQ and grabbed a few beers before circle. It was a great day with two old friends, Weeny Schnitzel, one of the hares, and MaBouche. Was also nice to meet many new friends here in Sao Paulo.Meer informatie