  • Dag 118

    OUTERHASH Trail #3 – Red Dress Run

    28 april 2022, Trinidad en Tobago ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    The Queens Park Savannah was awash in red today, as the pack gathered in anticipation (for many of them as their first) trail for OUTERHASH. The numbers have swelled, more than anticipated. Yesterday’s pack was just about 100 . . . Unofficial count for the RED DRESS RUN was 300+ according to the hares, based on the number of wristbands distributed. Along with all those new hashers arriving, there is a whole new energy and lots of new questions. Seems we may even have a few hashers who had no idea that INTERHASH was cancelled, they are here ready to rock and roll and wondering what has changed. Help get the word out that this is not a preplanned and arranged event, this is a totally ad hoc mixture of hash trails and events for the pure joy of hashing . . . and hanging out with friends you may have not seen in years due to COVID. So make sure to thank your hares at each trail you attend.

    Once everyone had been checked in, and wristbands issued, the hares provided a quick chalk talk and the running hares were sent off. Soon after, the runners were sent off in one direction, while the walkers were led off in another. Both packs were brought back together at the first beer check with the sweaty runners mingling with the lightly perspiring walkers, in the back lot of a local pub. Quickly finishing off the numerous racks of beer, the runners were once again sent off, while the walkers wound their way to the second beer stop right on the sidewalk in front of the next pub. The pack overwhelmed the street, crossing back and forth from each side of the street until the hares once again yelled for the pack to get moving. From there, it was a short jaunt back to the start on the Savannah, were more beer was available . . . and soon hamburgers and chicken sandwiches were being passed out for those with a bit of hunger. Drinking beer, stuffing their faces, and generally socializing was soon overtaken by loudspeakers blasting dance music and the pack were “getting’ jiggy with it.”

    What an awesome event, great job by the whole hare team. As the beer ran out, the pack started to filter away to find more food and drink to fulfill their appetites. There were less than 100 left as I started heading back up the hill towards the Hilton, but I heard the music stop and announcements start, so maybe more beer was acquired and a circle commenced. That’s part of that new energy that has arrived, and hopefully it was a grand time for all those remaining. On On to 4 more days of hashing bliss.
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