  • Dia 2


    2 de dezembro de 2019, Cingapura ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    The flight to Singapore took 12 hours. I couldn’t sleep at all thanks to my neighbor that was kind of sleeping the whole flight and snoring like hell 🙄
    And if he wasn’t for a couple of minutes some children were crying like hell... Funny... But at least otherwise everything went well 😊

    I had son trouble figuring out how I come to the city with the train and where to buy a ticket but with a little help I managed it and I came to my hotel shortly before 9 am.
    Here I had to wait over an hour for the reception to open, but the other guest said I should just sit down, drink a cup of tea and eat some breakfast while waiting. No one here who could say something against it. 😉
    They seem to be quite relaxed here, the reception was not open before 10.20 am even though it was standing 9 am on the paper on the desk 🙈😂
    I could check in yet, but was allowed to use the toilets and showers, eat breakfast and all this kind of thinks. So I just changed quickly and went straight off for a walk in the city.

    I walked along the Marina Parade! It’s a really nice walk along the water.
    I was almost alone and started to want er where everyone is, but it appears to me, that the people here are not up so early. The longer I was on my way the more people I was meeting.
    I past straight beside the Singapore Formula 1 racecourse! That was really funny, I didn’t know that it is there!
    Under a bridge I wound some Otter playing around with each other. It was so much fun to watch them 😊
    Around lunchtime more and more clouds were coming in from the ocean, so I decided to slowly start to walk back to the hostel, but this time through the city. I was anyway extremely exhausted and the air here is so heavy that I had to Stopp and sit down many times.
    It was the best decision for today I can say! I went to eat in an Indian place closed to the hostel and after a while, it started to rain a little bit. And like 20 min later, I was already in the hostel, it started to rain like hell 😳 A big thunderstorm was straight over us. Another guest told me they were expecting a typhoon, but a local told me, it’s Monsun season now, so it’s normal and nothing to worry about.
    I then decided to spend the rest of the day in the hostel and took a little nap.
    Then I was eating a little bit and talked over two hours with a woman, that is from Singapore but is now spending most of her time in New Zealand.

    I haven’t planned anything yet for tomorrow, I will first look how the weather is going to be and maybe ask the woman for some tips, where to go and what to do 😊
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