  • 日21

    Abel Tasman Coastal Walk Day 1

    2019年12月21日, ニュージーランド ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    After a good sleep, we had plenty of time to wake up, eat breakfast and pack everything ready for our two days hike!
    The water taxi was supposed to pick us up at 11 am. As we were ready on time, we went to the best earlier! To sit there and enjoy the view and sun!
    Our water taxi was actually early as well and arrived already at 10.30!
    It took some time to collect all the people and get them and all the stuff on board but we left Totaranui a little bit earlier as planned anyway.
    We stopped 2 different bays on the way until it was our time to jump off the boat and start our adventure. 🤩
    We first went to the toilet, washed our feeds and got the shoes on and off we were at around 12 o’clock. The first part was really easy. We are so lucky that we are arriving at low tide so we can cross over the short way to Torrents Bay. We had to pass some water streams which were deeper than expected and we got wet all the way over the knees 🙈 But the weather is good, so it’s nothing to worry about. If just the wind could Stopp soon...
    The next part of the track was worse, as we had to walk up the hill for quite some time. At least we saw a lot of different birds on the way and the view from up there is just amazing and so worth it to walk all the way up!

    We took some smaller stops on the way for some peaches or apples and arrived in Bark Bay around 3.30 pm.
    Here we took a longer break, were eating our sandwiches and had a swim in the ocean as well. The water was quite fresh but still very nice and refreshing!

    From here it was supposed to be around 2 hours to Onetahuti so we were back on the track at 16.20 for the last part. 💪🏼

    What we didn’t know, it’s gonna be the worst part of it 😳
    Oh my god, the way up this hill was so long and so steep that we had to Stopp many times on the way to catch our breath and relax our muscles a little bit. We were really relieved when we reached the top of the hill!
    At least the rest of the way was mostly going down the hill and we arrived in Onetahuti around 6.15 pm.

    We first were relaxing for a while and the building up the tent and started to cook something.
    We were so exhausted from the day so we went to bed around 8 pm already. 🙈😂
    Hopefully, I can sleep something as the Wekas here are really annoying and trying to steal everything and even trying to get into the tents as well!
    Otherwise, it's a really nice place to spent one night on the beach 😊