
marzo 2018
Una breve pero excelente aventura de Elaine Leer más
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  • Singapore

    22 de marzo de 2018, Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Our hostel, Beary Best, was located in the center of Chinatown so when we arrived into Singapore we headed straight to the food court to get some Chinese food. After refueling we walked around Chinatown and explored the temples and mosques in the area. I have never been to China however it was nice to see what China is possibly like.

    That evening I headed to the airport to meet Rob however after a mix up in our communication he was on his way to the hostel while I was at the arrival gates. Eventually after meeting up back at the hostel, we walked downtown to see Singapore's nightlife. The marina was very pretty in the night light and great to walk around.

    The following day Rob and I decided to do a river cruise where we learnt about the history of Singapore and we were shown where the Chinese settled on the river bank when they initially arrived to Singapore. This was a very good way of seeing the city as we passed the most important buildings and bridges and learnt a little about their history too. After the cruise we had lunch on Boat Quay which overlooked the river before we explored part of the city on foot.

    We met Una and Eadaoin at the entrance of the Singapore's Gardens at the Bay and together we walked through the gardens and cloud forest. I really enjoyed this part of Singapore. The gardens were beautiful and it was lovely being able to smell the beautiful flowers. The gardens are very big so it took time to walk through the whole area. At the centre of the gardens there was the famous Supertree Grove which are tree-like vertical gardens. We went to a bar on the top of one these structures for a drink overlooking the city. Just after sunset there was a lights display involving the Supertree Groves where lights on the Supertrees changed colour and patterns to different types of music. This was very cool to see.

    The following day we went to Universal Studios on Sentosa Island which is located in the bay. Rob had never been to a theme park before so it was fun to go on all of the rides with him. There was themes of Sesame Street, Madagascar, Shrek, Transformers and Jurassic Park. We got an Express pass so that we could skip the queue on most of the rides. This was a good idea because it was a very hot day so standing in queues all day would not have been as fun. The rollercoaster rides were definitely the best although they did make me a little bit dizzy.

    That night we all went to the airport and said goodbye to Eadaoin who is going to South Korea and Japan. We are heading onto Australia for a couple of weeks. I am looking forward to this stage of the trip and it will be nice to spend time in western civilisation for a while.
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