Vancouver - Winnipeg

One flight down, one to go. All is well. Had a beautiful view of Mt. Baker on the way out. Winnipeg looks about as boring from the air as it did from above the clouds. Next stop, Montreal.
One flight down, one to go. All is well. Had a beautiful view of Mt. Baker on the way out. Winnipeg looks about as boring from the air as it did from above the clouds. Next stop, Montreal.
Fastest transfer ever. Had a great view of downtown Montreal from the plane though!
Unbelievable first day in Rome. There are no words to describe how everything makes me feel. We get to a Piazza with 7 corners and stand puzzled, every street looks like a perfect one. I honestly feelRead more
Easy going square filled with restaurants. Beautiful church on one side, but the whole perimeter was mainly apartments. Basically just quintessential downtown Rome. (Doing a few more retrospectiveRead more
It's all in the title, now that I know about the "6 pics per step" (not per day) rule, I'm going back and being a little more specific.
Feet are getting sore, but it's extremely worthwhile. Went inside the Roman Coliseum (no big deal [...kidding, huge deal]), the Roman Forum, the Pantheon (the picture with the Pillars) and continuedRead more
St. Peters Basilica, and the climb up to the top of the dome were absolutely unbelievable. The view from the top was one of the best I've had in my life. Still going back to detail some points moreRead more
The only remaining synagogue of 5 that were originally in Rome, it houses relics from the 4 that were either destroyed in crusades or torn down due to age over the years. It's basically a museum forRead more
Unbelievable ride. Dad drove damn well on some of the narrowest streets ever, there was a massive and hilarious jam in which a giant bus was making people back up this windy, narrow, cliffside road toRead more
Dad's town is beautiful, the old part of it anyway. It's exactly how I imagined it. Nonnas out in front of their houses insisting you come in for coffee, kids playing soccer in the street, I could goRead more
Omg amazing!
Great shot of Mt. Baker