  • Gün 54

    A post about loneliness

    3 Mart 2017, Şili ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    So something that is good about travelling alone is that you can choose exactly what you want to do and when you want to do it. It's great to just decide completely based on what you want or feel like doing that day.

    Recently I've been relatively demotivated when it comes to discovering the place I am in. This has coincided with having a bit of a monster cold which came at the same time as I had my Spanish lessons in Santiago, meaning the only part of Santiago that I actually saw in the entire three days I was there was the street between the hostel and the Spanish school. I also think that not having a permanent buddy to force me out contributed to this a bit though.

    In the last week or so I have definitely missed having a permanent travel buddy. You meet new people a lot, but I tend not to meet large groups of solo travellers anymore, mainly solo people or couples, or groups of people who don't speak English. Even though I have in the last 24 hours met and spoken properly with 6 people, it is not the same as having someone that you are really comfortable with and travelling around with them. I suppose I haven't been alone but I do currently feel lonely.

    Cue feeling homesick...But I don't want to come home yet...So I will call it familiarity sick.
    Okumaya devam et