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  • Day 11

    Bring on the bulls Pamplona!

    May 16 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Pamplona! I’m here! Why am I crying??
    Lawd I couldn’t stop crying!!


    Upon arrival at our hotel I felt weary and grateful. My legs were like spaghetti noodles. The hotel was awesome!

    I took a long hot and then a cold shower to reset.
    I rubbed my legs out hoping they would stop throbbing …………..and cried!

    Amy brought me a tasty cold Estella beer from the bar and delivered it to my room.

    After I cleaned myself up, I met up with some of the group to head out for Pintxos (Pinchos) bar walk.

    I walked with one trek pole to help support my knee and weight while walking.

    Walking through the streets of Pamplona was a nice introduction to the Spanish bar culture. The food and beverage were great and very reasonably priced. The architecture was fabulous.

    The cadence in how you order and communicate vino tinto con lemon and point at various Pintxos to order was fabulous! The scene was reasonably priced.

    Btw, I never had this drink vino tinto con lemon. Amy ordered it. It’s red wine with lemon soda and ice. It’s super refreshing!

    I chatted with various folks that are walking the Camino and listening to them inspired me and lifted me up. I went and had dinner with Amy and you guessed it …….I cried! Amy listened and lifted me up! 💜
    After dinner I was hopeful that maybe I could recover the next day but I didn’t know.


    I woke up and felt physically wiped out and a little bit better physically and emotionally. Not 100%, but better. It was a full rest day in Pamplona. I slept in. Chores needed to be done like laundry, get some euros, a stop at the pharmacy for medicine for my legs and some compression socks and knee sleeves. We also needed to book more accommodations for our stage stops after we leave pamplona. We had no place to stay.

    Amy checked in on me 😊 and went to have cafe con leche and start planning our next stage. I soon followed her down to the bar for Tortilla Espanol.

    It’s kinda like an egg and potato frittata, it’s super yummy and satisfying. They have different flavors. They salt the eggs perfectly!

    I sat with Amy to discuss our next stage. Our guide Nancy came to meet us and check on us and our planning. We are headed to Obanos tomorrow. The walk will have an ascent and descent.

    I did laundry, chatted with others on the Camino and now off to meet Amy for Pintxos, beer and wine! 🍷 💃🏽….

    Feeling lighter and happier. 😊 still crying literally!! 😊
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