  • День 18

    Prague - Day 2 & 3

    7 января 2020 г., Чехия ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

    Not too many photos from our last couple of days in Prague as we went to some museums and galleries where you weren’t allowed to take photos - understandably. Day 2 took us to the Museum of Communism which was really interesting and I’m really pleased we decided to go. I’m not a big history buff but the exhibition was so informative and well set out with lots of memorabilia from the last 100 years of Prague’s history. Highly recommend! We wandered through the Jewish Quarter of Prague which was fascinating too.

    For our final day in Prague, I wanted to spend some time exploring some interesting art galleries so we started at the Musuem of Miniatures which features the tiny works from Anatolij Konenko. It was mind blowing. He has created artwork like nothing I’ve ever seen before working on small surfaces such as poppy seeds, a strand of hair or a grain of rice. Ed managed to get a couple of photos on his phone looking into the microscopes (go Galaxy S8 for skill!).

    We went for a walk around the area of the Strahov Monastery and as it was getting pretty cold by this point, we ended up heading into the Monastery Beer and Wine Cellars which have been used for over 800 years. The restaurant down the bottom was fantastic and I got to try their freshly brewed Cherry Beer which was amazing. Of course I made Ed sample the food so he had some amazing looking (and tasting I’m sure!) black sausage stew. No complaints from him haha!

    We had a couple of hours to kill before heading to the airport so decided to head to the National Gallery which is in the Fair Trade Palace. A lot of local Czech artists featured in there and a few Picasso and Matisse as part of the collection. Was a good little stop over! 

Then off to the airport for our flight to Copenhagen. Chat in a few days :D

    Lauren xx
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