Grape n’ Teds ’19/’20 Eurotrip

Disember 2019 - Januari 2020
December 2019 Baca lagi
  • 26footprint
  • 10negara
  • 37hari
  • 146gambar
  • 16video
  • 21.5kkilometer
  • 4.7kkilometer
  • Hari 20


    9 Januari 2020, Denmark ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

    We had pretty crappy rainy weather in Copenhagen but I like this city. It’s our first city (not including the Swiss Alps) off the tourist path after the peak(ish) season had finished, so it was relatively chill, and the Danes are pretty relaxed, friendly...and generally quite good looking. I felt bad finding myself having a cheeky glance at a few of the Scandinavian babes, but then I caught Lauren doing the same with the blokes, so then I didn’t feel so bad...Baca lagi

  • Hari 23


    12 Januari 2020, Finland ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    Our 3 days in Helsinki were pretty relaxed - our Airbnb had great views on the water and we were spoilt by a perfect sunrise upon waking on our first morning. We spent our first day exploring the city and some of it’s interesting architecture. Our first stop was the Sibelius Monument (a sculpture dedicated to the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius and unveiled in 1967). Ed was pretty keen on the creation of the artwork as it was all welded steel pipes and weighs a solid 24 tonnes. The park was frosty and quite pretty to wander around in too. We then headed off to the renowned ‘Temppeliaukio Rock Church’ which was completed in 1969. It is an amazing church built into a rock wall and covered in a huge copper dome. They even have concerts and performances in there due to the excellent acoustics.

    We continued our church tour and headed to the ‘Kamppi Chapel’ (also known as the Chapel of Silence). It is a very interesting building, placed in the heart of the city for people to enter and have a moment of complete silence and/or prayer throughout their busy day. We spent about 15 minutes in there and Ed counted a total of 6 seconds of complete silence amongst people entering and exiting. It’s amazing how loud winter puffer jackets can be in a heavily acoustic environment. It was still an experience nonetheless!

    Our Airbnb was walking distance to a local pub so we headed in there for a beverage after dinner and found ourselves in the middle of a Finnish karaoke night. I think we heard about 6 or 7 Finnish pop songs (quite catchy really, and was a great way to learn some Finnish!) before we felt too awkward and headed home. A video is attached for your viewing pleasure ;)

    We headed out early on our second day to visit Market Square (not much happening though!) and the National Museum of Finland for a bit of history. We then headed to our pre-booked 2 hour public Sauna experience at Löyly which is a traditional wood fired sauna on the water. I had found this place on Instagram earlier in the year and dragged Ed along to experience a traditional Finnish sauna. It was great and once you imagined being back in Brisbane on a hot Summers day, you got used to the heat haha. The best part about the experience is once your skin is boiling, you head on outside in your togs and climb into the Baltic Sea (a crisp 1-4 degrees at this time of year). I am proud to say we both climbed in about 3 times and Ed left the water with steaming skin. I have attached a video of proof. Censor alert for the end of the video for any youngsters watching. A great way to spend our last afternoon in Helsinki! Off to the oldest town in Finland tomorrow ‘Turku’ for a couple of nights.

    Missing you all. Signing off for now, Lauren XX
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 25


    14 Januari 2020, Finland ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

    After our Helsinki experience we jumped on a 2 hour train to Turku, which is a city on the southwest coast of Finland. It is the oldest town in the country and there is quite a large amount of history to explore there! We had a beautiful Airbnb quite close to the town centre and were able to see quite a bit in our 48 hours there.

    Our first afternoon was spent wandering around the town - we seem to like doing this in every new city we go to. We went to the Cathedral, Porthaninpuisto park (which is next to the Old Town Square) and to the old Market Hall. As the sun goes down so early over here, that was about all we had time for.

    Another beautiful Finnish sunrise on our second day - Ed never gets to see these as he likes to enjoy his 10 hours of sleep every night haha. We decided then to explore the Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum . Aboa Vetus ‘Old Town’ is the ruined town quarter from the medieval period which in the 1990’s they actually found buried underground and now sits under the Rettig Palace which also houses the contemporary art musuem (Ars Nova). Long sentence there! You can walk through the old medieval street and looking through the items they discovered during their archeological excavations was really fascinating.

    One of the artists works on display upstairs in the Ars Nova caught our eye and we took a couple of pictures of his stone sculptures. I believe his name was Sakari Peltola and his works of granite were really entertaining. I’ve uploaded a shot for those interested :)

    We headed down to the Ferry Terminal on our last day to put our luggage in storage in preparation for our overnight trip to Stockholm. We were able to walk to the Forum Marinum which is a combination of the Turku Maritime musuem and Finnish navy museum. There was lots to see and we could of spent longer had we the time! Our final stop was the Turku Castle which has been around since the 13th century and houses a musuem which tracks the castle’s history from medieval fort to renaissance palace. We nearly had the castle to ourselves as it seems like no one wants to visit the castle in winter, in the dark at 5pm.

    Our last stop before jumping on the ferry was the Seaport pub for a Guinness and meal. I highly recommend Turku as a place to visit in Finland - it was nice to get out of the usual touristy spots too. Info on the Viking Line Ferry to come!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 27


    16 Januari 2020, Sweden ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    We caught the overnight ferry from Turku (Finland) to Stockholm while we slept, and as you hear in the video by the little noises she makes, Lauren was quite impressed with the cabin. Stockholm is a pretty and neat city, surrounded by ocean strewn with tiny little islands. You can understand why these (not so) little sea-faring medieval pests gave mainland Europe a few touch-ups a wee while back.Baca lagi

  • Hari 29

    Ice Hotel

    18 Januari 2020, Sweden ⋅ ☁️ -11 °C

    After our early morning flight to Kiruna from Stockholm, we picked up our car and ventured to the world renowned Ice Hotel! I’d been hearing about this place for a little while and definitely wanted to pay a visit if we were in the area. There is an Ice Bar, Hotel (amazing but not sure I’d like to pay 460 Euro a night to sleep in a constant -5 degrees C on a large piece of ice and reindeer fur) and my favourite part, the Ice Sculptures. The hotel was slightly warmer than outside which was a frosty -10 C. I’ve never seen ice sculptures before and they were fascinating. A few shots to give you an idea :) We checked into our cute Swedish Lapland cottage afterwards and definitely had our share of snow!Baca lagi

  • Hari 34

    Northern Lights

    23 Januari 2020, Norway ⋅ 🌧 1 °C

    Enough said!