  • Dag 81

    Up and at 'em!

    23. august 2018, Cambodja ⋅ 🌧 86 °F

    I'm back to the tourist bit today. I could've stayed in bed all day again--no, Mom, I never grew out of that--but forced myself up, got some breakfast, and hit the road on the motorbike around 9 am.

    The first half of the day was down at Kep Beach. Yet again, what would've been a beautiful beach was ruined by trash both in the sand in the water. Sad.

    Oh man! I had the best burrito last night from a place called Gringos Locos. They even had real sour cream!

    Right now I'm having a black bean burger at Rikitikitavi. The restaurant/bar/guest house is run by Dom, an expat Aussie. One of the Hashers in Saigon is good friends with him and his family, so she recommended I stop in for food and tell him hi for her. Mission accomplished.

    When I finish lunch, I'm off to the mountain. It's only 86°F and the humidity isn't too bad, but it's still nice to be on the bike and in the breeze during the heat of the day.

    Out for now. ✌️
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