  • Dag 256

    Blue Lagoon Day 2

    14 februari 2019, Fiji ⋅ 🌧 86 °F

    I arrived at Blue Lagoon in time for lunch. The dorm is nice, particularly the operational and effective air conditioning. Eight beds, no bunks, and each with a bedside table, lamp, and power outlet. Clean and cool. Best so far.

    Lunch was terrible. Three fried-to-death vegetable spring rolls with a fried starchy vegetable. A small lump of shredded red cabbage as a salad. Soy sauce as the dressing, most of which was spilled all over the place, and all if which was so spicy I couldn't eat it. After soaking off as much as I could from the roll, I dipped them in as much ketchup as I could get out of the kitchen to make them palatable. I left hungry and hoping dinner would be better.

    Dinner started with a small fried lump of some vegetable on a bed of some dark red jam. Then came a cabbage roll of ratatouille veggies (about the size of an egg roll) that I choked down only because I was so hungry. The main course was a few gnocchi with some eggplant in a tomato sauce that was quite tasty. But once I had picked out all of the green peppers, I only had about a third of the meal left. I managed to eat that part by pushing the bugs to the edge of the plate after they continuously dive bombed my plate. At least, I think I moved them all. Oh well, more protein. Dessert was a inedible lemon tart topped by a few pieces of fresh fruit along side a tiny scoop of vanilla ice cream dusted with sliced almonds. The ice cream and fruit was the best food of the entire day.

    After dinner I took a shower and went to bed with another book. I woke at 03:23 with my stomach growling. I was able to get back to sleep fitfully until just shy of 7. I headed straight to breakfast and was ready to tear into the buffet when it opened at 07:30. Fiji time doesn't always meet the clock, but I started eating at the published time even though they weren't done setting it up.

    I got enough in my belly to finally feel satisfied and stuck two croissants in my bag for later. Then I went to the Dive Shack for the 08:15 mountain hike. Yay! But no. It had rained overnight, so the hike was cancelled. It was too slippery on the rocks. Well, shit. All of the other activities today you have to pay for, so I've finished the book from yesterday, swapped it for another book out of the office, and here I sit, still reading.

    I can't wait to get back to Nadi where I can actually do something. This is not the island hopping adventure I had hoped, and I definitely won't ever be coming back to Manta Ray or Blue Lagoon. Barefoot Kuata, maybe, but only to dive.

    So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️

    P.S.: My ear infection pain has been gone for a while, thankfully, but my ear still feels like it's packed with cotton, which is really affecting my hearing. I should go to a doctor in Nadi when I get back.

    P.P.S.: Crap. I didn't do my exercises this morning because I was going on the walk. After lunch then. At least I won't have to worry about my stomach being full.
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