  • Dag 53

    Westward Bound

    11. mai 2021, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    I made it all the way to Stanton, TX, yesterday evening, where I spent the night.

    I left this morning at just after 07:00 because I need to be in El Paso by 14:00 for the HD to change my front tire. I could get more miles out of it, but this is a good time to stop for it.

    I started this morning in rain gear and heated gloves as it was only 55°F or so and drizzling. I hit two HDs and four Texas Tour stops before peeling off the rain gear and changing gloves. Nice sunny skies since around 09:30. Yay!

    I'm typing this after the fact, but at noon I was on both I-10 and I-20 where 20 ends by running into 10. With all the trucks going by at 70-80 mph, I didn't stop to take a selfie 😁.

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 52 mileage: 498.7 (total 11349.8)
    HD Dealership Challenge: 2 (total 89)
    MCGTTX Stops: 4 (total 31)
    Les mer