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  • Day 14

    We Conquer Thunderbird Falls

    May 16, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 48 °F

    In 2001, we visited Thunderbird Falls, near Palmer.

    We had grand plans then to have a picnic at the falls. Yeah, right! The mosquitoes had other plans and wanted to make a meal out of us! So we ate in the car, then hot-footed it up the one-mile long trail to the falls overlook, stayed about 10 second to take a photo, and hot-footed it back to the car. Even at speed, Mui got bit many times ... the darn bugs managed to get under his hat!

    Taking courage from so far encountering just some “male” mosquitoes, which don’t bite, we decided to try for Thunderbird Falls again today. We succeeded. I think we saw no more than two pests buzzing about. Since we had other plans, however, we opted to just go as far as the falls overlook instead of hiking down to the base of the falls.

    We even managed to have a picnic lunch at the falls this time! No tables ... but the benches did the trick so we didn’t have to eat our sandwiches standing up.
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