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  • Lake Shore Loop

    June 6, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

    We woke up to the pitter patter of rain on the Cruiser’s roof. The rain was gentle and rhythmic…signaling that it would not last long. Nor would it make a muddy mess of the trails that one can hike from the campground.

    It was 9:30a before we got going … the rain over … the temp up to 53F from the 45F we woke up to. We chose to do the 1.4-mile Lake Shore Loop today … more a walk rather than a hike. The scenery along the way was beautiful … mountains; trees in every shade of green; a still lake that served as a mirror at times. We encountered very few people along the way … most fishing from the shoreline. It was a peaceful walk with frequent stops for photo ops.

    We had some wildlife sightings along the way … Canada geese … a fox that was running around the tree line … hummingbirds buzzing around. Those sightings we enjoyed. What we didn’t enjoy were the bugs that were swarming … at times a black cloud that we had to walk through … so thick that we could hear the hum of their collective wings. The good news is that they weren’t biting, and they were mostly in the sunny areas … there was enough shade and breeze that we didn’t have to endure them for the entire length of the trail.

    Despite the swarms, we really enjoyed our walk/hike … a great start to our three days of being unplugged here at Sylvan Lake State Park.
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