Et 16-dagers eventyr av Antoine, Antoine & Maxime Les mer
  • 15fotspor
  • 2land
  • 16dager
  • 96bilder
  • 0videoer
  • 3,7kkilometer
  • 2,1kkilometer
  • Dag 11

    Archipelagos cruise

    12. juni 2022, Sverige ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    As our first day in Lulea wasn't a success in terms of cultural entertainment, we decided to book a cruise accross the islands of the Lulea Archipelagos.

    The weather was more than perfect to do so: blue sky, comfortable temperature and sunny seats on the top of the boat :)

    As the number of journeys are limited due to the off-season we couldn't expect to stop, stay or visit one island. We had to stay on the boat and enjoy the view.

    We met Alice, a french geological engineer, who went to Sweden for her thesis for one month. The exchanges of our own experiences here were highly interesting :) The cruise lasted all the afternoon.

    Afterwards, we found what it seemed to be the only animated bar of Lulea: the Bishop Arms. We had the chance to taste some local beers which were perfectly OK. We had to fill our stomacs with something else then alcohol and ordered tasty burgers (just on time: the swedish doesn't after 8pm).
    Despite the "kindness" of the waiters we really enjoyed this belgian-style moment.
    Les mer

  • Dag 12

    Back to the wild

    13. juni 2022, Sverige ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    After a last warm shower at our airbnb, we took a train back to the direction of Kiruna but jumped out at the Gallivare station.

    As most of the cities we walked through, Gallivare wasn't so pleasant. We quickly moved to a lake next to the city to improve our fishing skills. At first it was worth it as we caught our first fish in less than 5 minutes (too small to keep it). The next hour was more... quiet as we didn't get anything else than a heavy rain on our head.

    To warm us up we decided to hike the Dundret moutain next to Gallivare. Once arrived we were a bit disappointed by the hiking opportunities over there. It wouldn't be as beautiful as we were used to with the former hiking trails.

    A quick research made us discover a locally famous trail called the Kallarstigen (a former 50km-track used to carry material and foods between Gallivare and the village of Porjus).

    As we were reaching the starting point of the track, we met a well known local resident : THE mosquito !!! We still don't know if it is the swampy area or the summertime incoming which made them come but there were plenty of them (and really agressive). This was a wonderful way to test our self-control capabilities... not everyone succeeded 😅

    Despite the mosquitos we were able to rise up our tents to be ready for the next trail of our trip :)
    Les mer

  • Dag 13

    A swampy day

    14. juni 2022, Sverige ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We woke up into a not so good weather and still lots of moskitoes. We had a healthy breakfast with muesli and dry milk, a good combo to think of for futures treks.

    So we started this trek of 42km with in mind to go the furthest to be cool the next two days. We quickly discovered that the trek to Porjus will include a lot of swamps. Compare to the Kungsleden, there weren’t a lot of wooden planks to walk over swamps, so we had to walk into it an eventually make a path. It was quite a lot of work but still, we were walking at a good pace !

    It was particular because one way or another, we followed the main road (for cars) and had to cross it twice (and once the next day). But the path was nice into a rich forest and small tracks, when there were not swamps. We were glad to see twice Western Capercaillies … except for the only one who really want to see them, sorry Antoine.

    We also saw what's what left from a reindeer and that makes us remember we were into the territory of big predators such as bears, wolves, wolverines, artics foxes...

    After a good 18km we discovered a small shelter that would protect us against the rain ! We decided to stop here, make a fire to dry our shoes and sleep there…
    Les mer

  • Dag 14

    Last day trekking before Porjus

    15. juni 2022, Sverige ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    After a windy night and a wet morning, we continued our path trough the swamps and the moskitoes.

    This trek has fewer type of landscape to show, nevertheless it's way less crowded (we haven't met anyone on the path) so way more into the wild.

    And guess what, after seeing some reeinders gently walking away, we saw the ghost of the forest (the one that poo a lot and everywhere but also the one we haven't seen yet). A huge moose, 600m away that spotted us immediately and went back in the wood, not willing to show us how impressive he was.

    After 18 km (6km left before Porjus), we found a cute shelter where we shared our last dehydrated meals.
    Les mer

  • Dag 15

    Rollerstigen : final day

    16. juni 2022, Sverige ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    We had few kilometers left to finish our last trek and reach Porjus. Once there, we enjoyed a warm meal surrounded by local workers.

    First bus that brought us to Gällivare was driven by a very good chauffeur, the way was quick and smooth. Second one to Kiruna... Well... Not really the same... The driver was laughing and speaking to himself the whole trip. We supposed he had a long and lonely winter that made him a bit crazy! :-) We were glad we arrived alive. We felt a bit like in the magicobus in Harry Potter if you have the reference 😅

    Back there, we enjoyed a sauna followed by a local street food meal : a sub full of reindeer and moose meat. It was amazingly tasty (and fatty tbh).

    We spent the end of the evening in the station packing up our bags and sharing some beers. We slept close-by and don't get fooled by the pictures, it wasn't such a lovely spot.
    Les mer