Camino 2023

abril - setembro 2023
I committed to doing a second Camino as soon as I came to the end of my journey six years ago. At that time I was still working, my time was limited so I only completed about 300 ks. This time I'm walking the whole Camino, 780 kms. Leia mais
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  • Dia 2


    23 de abril de 2023, Canadá ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Unfortunate to be allocated top bunk at Samesun hostel where I stay for 3 nights, ...after climb of 3 flights of stairs up to the room, so I'm getting the workout I needed for the day.

    Reflection - gain deeper information before booking hostels!

    That was after getting through customs at the airport, easily and rapidly compared to Auckland airport. It was then a 1.2 kilometre hike from the train station to get to the hostel The train went right from the airport to the centre of Vancouver city. While walking up I passed a closer station, if only had I known! Everyone I asked told me different getting off points, I ought to have asked the hostel!

    Reflection - I need to ask more specific questions at information points to get clearer instructions. No vaccine pass required for entry to Vancouver and no visa asked for either...what a scam!
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  • Dia 3

    Granville Island & Stanley Park

    24 de abril de 2023, Canadá ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    A huge Vancouver market, on what they call "Granville Island" ( a bit like riverside in Chch, but on more massive scale) by ferry terminal and marina. Then Stanley Park, massive park even bigger than central park in New York, the guide told us.Leia mais

  • Dia 4

    Leaving Vancouver

    25 de abril de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

    Flying over the Rockies between Vancouver and Calgary

    Breakfast of today I met a cohort of young folk who had partied hard the night before and had had to call an ambulance for one of their number who had drunk 18 shots (and goodness knows what else) before passing out, vomiting and unable to move. He was kept in overnight suffering alcohol poisoning. The conversation was around how much they could drink, when they could start drinking again today, just a question said I " I'm sure you all know the units of standard drinks that are safe" .. No they said, is there such a thing?? hehe!!

    One of the young people, Kaitlin, is from Rotorua, well not originally, she is Scottish first, went to NZ as an 8 year old with her parents. and now travels between NZ and other places in the world for summer all year. She works on the Zip line and I promised to take my grandchildren there when she's back in October for a free ride. (right tui)....what a coincidence!! I also met Valerie who thought she'd like to be a psychologist, I think I may have talked her into a second choice, along with the other young folk of think about being a flight attendant as she said she just wanted to travel??

    You just have to laugh, honestly. The other thing about Vancouver is that marijuana is legal and is smoked out in the open, on the streets, and I'm sure I got a bit dizzy walking to the station (maybe psychological but still a strong feeling), I was appalled, children exposed to the smoke, it is a different world entirely. I was also shocked at the amount of street people encountered all along the main street, hands in rubbish bins filling black bags with cans to sell. One guy I met on the bus had a huge garden bag full and as we chatted I asked him how much he might get for this bag, $30 possibly was the reply. "It will buy me some cigarettes and a beer for the day." He said he was too old to stop smoking.
    Ah well, I left for my 5 o'clock flight at 1 p.m. only to find when I arrived that I was to travel domestically to Calgary first before getting another flight to London. The flight was only an hour, but the sight of those Rocky mountains was something else to behold, just stunning then Calgary came into view in a flat flat foothill square city, sandy sandy and brown from the air, not much green at all, I had another two hours before my flight to London. Sat in the bar/restaurant and had some dinner - no meat burger and chips....that'll keep me going for sure.
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  • Dia 6

    Wake up in London

    27 de abril de 2023, Inglaterra

    Walk to Hammersmith Library and shopping precinct

  • Dia 7

    Awake at 4 a.m.

    28 de abril de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Jet lag still and going to Isle of Wight

  • Dia 8

    Isle of Wight

    29 de abril de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Exploring the Island
    Awake again in the early hours, awaiting the house to wake up around 10 a.m. I busied myself on emails, photos and eventually going down to make breakfast around 8 a.m. Family still not up so I went back to my room to shower and dress to get ready for the day. Feeling a bit tired again, i lay down and promptly fell asleep to wake up around 10.30 a.m.
    By this time everyone was awake and ready to go walk! We set off down hill, then uphill to see the stunning views along Isle of Wight coast line. I was glad of my walking poles making life so much easier. We came across thatched houses and lovely beach huts seen in the distance. Eventually we came across a wee cafe where we met some friends of Ros's, Rosemary, Angela and David (Ros is Margaret and Colin's friend who has the house on the island).
    A very cute cafe where we all chatted and ate amicably and were invited back to have coffee with Ros's friends.

    We walked further along the coast road then up to the street with David, a chap from Barbados who happily followed his wife, Rosemary back to England. He is a keen photographer and we were privileged to see his work at their home.

    Back to Ros's home, a quick change and off to explore another area called Ventnor where we walked down a very steep path to the beach front, although rocky it was definitely worth the effort. We had hoped to get to an icecream shop but unfortunately it was closed so we settled for a cold drink at the Royal Hotel where it is said Queen Victoria took tea! The houses on the beach front were an eclectic mix of everything from thatched roof cottages to shacks to modern day homes, and very quaint! How anyone got supplies down there is amazing!

    Home again and tired after the wonderful sea breeze I fell fast asleep at 5.30 after struggling to keep my eyes open and slept a good 3 hours. Possibly also making up for the hours I lost last night or early this morning. As it is now almost 1 a.m. I'm about to close the lap top and sleep..... again! Love always, xxxxooo
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  • Dia 10

    Last bit of touring on Isle o Wight

    1 de maio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    The Chine and chippy

    Today we head back to London and the big city after the relative serenity of the Isle of Wight. I took myself off to walk down Hope Road to the beach, phew!! A massive down to the shore front was amazing really gave my knees a good work out... I had thought that Megs n Colin would come down to meet me, but about two hours later I wandered back up to the house after trying to reach them on the phone.
    I couldn't work the key in the door so sat on the swing summer seat in the front yard. A few minutes later Colin called to say they were down at the beach front. Off I went again to meet Megs n Col and wander down the other end of the beach to a lovely cafe where we watched Megs get into the freezing cold water of the English Channel for a swim. She did it, got her whole body under!! Even the locals were amazed!
    We wandered back up the very steep hill home where Ros was just getting organised for her day. I went through her mail with her and then we went to do a little more exploring of Isle of Wight to what they call the Chine, a gorge found in the 1870s and cleaned up by the locals to make a great walk, inlcuding rare plants. The following are photos of our day.
    It takes around three and a half hours (like Rotorua to Auckland for me) to take the subway, a train, a bus, a hovercraft and then another bus to get to and from Isle of Wight. We were glad to get home and relax on the couch after our adventures. Thanks to Ros for her hospitality.
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  • Dia 11

    Lachie day in Barons keep

    2 de maio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Lachie for the day

  • Dia 12

    Southbank today

    3 de maio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Trip into Westminster to walk to Southbank

    Today I took the train to Southbank as per Colin's suggestion. Teaming with folk coming in all directions across the bridge from Westminster station, there was a lot to see including the lowlander playing the bagpipes in his full regalia. When I learn how to crop a video I will post. I got him to play his favourite tune and then Highland Cathedral. ( guess who I was thinking about there?)

    The other photos of course are of the Lion, a wonderful statue on top of a window in the old council buildings, the London eye..oh dear no way was I going to get on that monstrosity, Westminster Palace and big ben, which chimed just as I was videoing the piper!! The place seems to become more and more like Blackpool. There was sea world, london dungeon themed experience, and Shrek all next door to each other along with a merry go round, various food carts, restaurants galore along the way.

    It was a slow walk down the southbank pier into the centre a lot of which is closed off and walked down a narrow roadway which used to be the council buildings I believe to see the wee garden below with the crown atop it, and the sentry standing very still.

    I found a wee shop and bought a few wee coronation things and took the photo of the mini inside the shop...bless! Watched the tourist boats going up and down the Thames before walking across the next bridge to Charing Cross station to be on my way home again. A beautiful sunny sunny day, the weather is changing! Woohoo!!

    Today I have also been in touch with our cousin, Jean, after finding out she lives next door to Portsmouth where we just were at the weekend. We have organised to meet when I return from Spain. I am so excited to meet our kith and kin for the first time on Dad's closest family members.
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  • Dia 13

    Outdoor store ??

    4 de maio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C