Saunders’ Down Under

ноября - декабря 2018
Australia and New Zealand 2018 Читать далее
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  • День 1

    On our way!

    14 ноября 2018 г., Канада ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Ready to board the float plane on the first leg of our journey! And at YVR playing the waiting game! 👩‍💻

  • День 3

    Auckland New Zealand

    16 ноября 2018 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Arrived safe and sound and heading to hotel!

    Just got back to our hotel after a busy day! We arrived at the hotel around 7:30 a.m. NZ time (which is Friday Nov. 16th) and the earliest they could get us a room was noon! Left our bags at the hotel and took off on foot for the next 5 hours to explore the harbour and Quay area, which is beautiful. Had coffee and shared a breakfast sandwich at a little cafe on the waterfront, then walked up into the city.. New Zealanders are very friendly people, as we found out when we were curiously looking at an interesting modern building, and a man asked us if we’d like to go in and have a look! He explained to us the bank (which we found out it was) was modelled after the Google workplace style with open concept workspaces for any employee to use, and we ended up chatting to him about that and other things for over 20 minutes! We then walked up to Auckland’s famous sky tower and bought tickets for that as well as for the hop on/hop off bus. Went up the tower right away and the views were spectacular - so much so, we’re going back to see it at night! Had a bite to eat and by then it was noon, so we could check into our room! Since we’d been on a plane for 14 hours, and walking around Auckland for another 5, we needed to get cleaned up, so did that then headed off to take the hop on bus, and ended up doing both routes, and finding out some interesting facts about the city. We have a 48 hour pass on the bus, so tomorrow, will take it again, and actually “hop off” this time at the places we found interesting! Relaxing for a while now before heading out for a bite to eat (and maybe a New Zealand Chardonnay) and another trip up the sky tower! I think we’ll sleep well tonight!!Читать далее

  • День 4

    Auckland Day 2

    17 ноября 2018 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Up early this morning and went for an awesome complimentary buffet breakfast at our hotel - enough food for at least the whole day!! From there, we went back on our hop on bus, and actually hopped off this time - ha ha! Our first stop was at the Michael Joseph Savage Memorial at Bastion Point, a historic reserve remembered in New Zealand for its role in 1970’s Maori protests against forced land alienation by non-Maori New Zealanders. Beautiful park there with some amazing flowers! From there, we took a short downhill walk to the town of Mission Bay - a pretty seaside place with a lovely beach and lots of funky stores and restaurants. Of course, we had to go back uphill to get back to our bus, so got a good workout doing that, and hopefully wearing off some of that breakfast! Next stop was at the Auckland Museum, a stunning building on lovely grounds. This past week has been a celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Armistice, and the museum had a beautiful display of white crosses to commemorate the over 18,000 New Zealanders killed in WW1. It was quite touching to read the information posted! Especially that about families who had lost 3 or 4 family members (mostly brothers) in the war. We then walked down to the Winter Garden, (passing a field with numerous cricket games going on - confusing sport!!) and viewed some more beautiful plants and flowers either from the region, or brought in to flourish here. From there, we finished the”red line” bus tour, then got on the “blue line” to visit an interesting area called Ponsonby - touted as one of Auckland’s “hippest” suburbs with boutiques chic cafes, bars and restaurants. Walked around there for about an hour before hopping back on to the bus back to our hotel. This evening, we saw there was going to be a night market just down the street from where we are staying, so we headed there around 7pm. I had envisioned a typical night market with vendors selling a plethora of items, but it was all food - and pretty amazing food from all corners of the earth! After stuffing ourselves on multiple ethnic gastronomic delights, we went for a long walk to wear at least a small amount off! Stopped for a glass of wine on the way back to the hotel, and are now hunkering down for the night in anticipation of a long day tomorrow when we get on another big bird for our new destination! Next stop - Melbourne, Australia!Читать далее

  • День 5

    Off to 'Stralia!

    18 ноября 2018 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Travel day today! Got up early and had a smaller version of yesterday’s buffet breakfast 😜. Went for a walk down to the Auckland waterfront and walked by a bunch of sports bars where New Zealanders were gathered (at 8:30am) to watch their All Blacks rugby team play Ireland, and sadly for the Kiwis, submit to defeat! Back to the hotel to finish packing, then took the shuttle out to the airport for our flight to Melbourne, Australia. Prior to planning this trip, I didn’t realize how far apart the two countries are, but it’s a 4 hour flight and over 2600 kms. Then there’s another time change, just to add to the confusion 😳!! We arrived in Melbourne and after customs, immigration, luggage, etc., were delivered by shuttle to our hotel by 6pm (8pm Auckland time). Dropped off our things and went for a walk along the river - beautiful scenery and lots of restaurants and pubs along the way. Stopped for a bite to eat - apparently it’s Thanksgiving here and everywhere was very busy. Did some more walking (logged over 11km today) then headed back to the hotel. Long, tiring day, so time to get some shut eye as tomorrow will be busy!Читать далее

  • День 6

    Monday in Melbourne

    19 ноября 2018 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    Up early Monday morning in anticipation of exploring beautiful Melbourne! After coffee and a quick bite to eat, strolled along the river and made our way to Federation Square to catch the hop on/hop off bus - such a great way to see places and learn about the history and culture of a city. We started on the “red route” which took us through the city for about an hour and a half, pointing out such landmarks as the Eureka Skydeck building, the South Wharf and District Docklands, Marvel Stadium, the Queen Victoria Market (closed Monday but a definite must see on Tuesday!), the Royal Melbourne Zoo, Little Italy, Chinatown and the MCG Stadium - home to cricket and Aussie Rules Football. After a wind blown, top deck ride, we walked over to the Eureka Skydeck and took the speedy elevator up 88 floors for magnificent 360 degree views of Melbourne - pretty spectacular, and a little “vertigo inducing” when you stand close to the edge and look down!

    From there, we grabbed some lunch from one of the amazing food courts, and headed back to Federation Square to take the bus on the second “black line” which took us to South Melbourne along the St. Kilda route. We got off the bus at the gorgeous St. Kilda beach, which was packed with locals and tourists soaking up the beautiful 30 degree plus sunny day, and Dave dipped his toes in the Tasman Sea! Took a stroll along the boardwalk and ended up on Acland Street, a funky pedestrian and tram-only shopping and food area, where we stopped for a cold one and took in the ambiance of the area. After a couple of hours, we rejoined the bus tour seeing the gorgeous homes along the beachfront, and the Station pier, where the car and passenger ferry departs for the 11 hour trip to Tasmania. Then back into Melbourne and to our hotel for a bit of a rest!

    We had tickets to go back up the Eureka Skytower at night, so after a nice dinner at an Irish pub, headed back there to watch the sunset (unfortunately it was cloudy) and to see the city sparkle after dark - beautiful! Left there and walked along the river to the gigantic Crown Casino, where I had to donate some $$$ to the slot machines! I actually broke even, so all was good 😂😂! After a long day, headed back the hotel for a well deserved sleep after clocking over 17km on our tired feet!
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  • День 7

    Boomerangs, Bears, Didgeridoos.....

    20 ноября 2018 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

    .... and the mother of all thunderstorms! Quite the day in Melbourne today! We left our apartment around 9am and walked the 30 minutes to the huge Queen Victoria Market - an outdoor Mecca of a market with everything from fruit and veggies, jackets and purses, sporting goods, and souvenir trinkets, including... yes you guessed it - boomerangs, koala bears and didgeridoos! Quite a fun place to visit and relieve yourself of a few $$$! We spent a couple of hours there, then walked over to Elizabeth street where we boarded one of the free trams that cover over 250kms of the city! We took the tram down to the river and from there embarked on a 2 hour river cruise down the Yarra River. It was cloudy, but warm today, and the cruise was interesting, but would have been better for photos if the sun was out!

    After the cruise, we had some lunch, then walked through the park till we reached the Shrine of Remembrance, a beautiful memorial to the Australian soldiers who served in WW1. They have a short service every day on the half hour, so we decided to stay for that. As the guide was talking, all of a sudden the wind came up, the heavens opened and the ensuing thunder and lightning storm was unbelievable! The rain was going sideways and the thunder was so loud and right above us! We did a little tour of the Shrine after the service, and by then, the rain had let up a bit - luckily, we had packed our rain jackets for the day, so didn’t get too drowned! Heading back to our place, a Dave spotted a Specialized bike shop so we popped in there so he could have a look!

    Had a bit of a rest after our busy day, then walked downtown to grab some dinner at a very busy little Greek restaurant. Walked along the river to a night market, which it turned out was all food - think I’m getting the meaning of night markets now, and since the last thing we needed was more food, we headed home to get a good night’s sleep before our next adventure - tomorrow - Sydney!
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  • День 8

    To Sydney we go!

    21 ноября 2018 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    So after 3 great days exploring Melbourne, it was time to bid our farewells, head to the airport and take a short flight north to our next stop - Sydney. We arrived at our hotel around 3pm and headed across the street to the grocery store to stock up on a few provisions - yoghurt and bagels for breakfast, some fruit, water and snacks, and maybe a bottle or two of Australian wine! We then set off on foot to walk through the beautiful botanical gardens with a goal of reaching the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. We headed to a place called Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair, which is out on a point in the harbour and gives a spectacular view across to the bridge and opera house. Along the way we saw some interesting birds - cockatiels roaming free, and a very bold long beaked one which I’m going to have to ask Mr. Google about! Also some lovely trees and plants along the way. From the point, we saw there was a sea wall around the harbour that would take us right to the opera house, so off we went. What a spectacular sight to see these beautiful landmarks up close! The weather was very warm, but overcast, so not the best for photos, but we have lots of time to take more.

    The opera house is a lovely structure, and I didn’t realize till I got up close that thousands of tiles make up the white “sails” of the building. We also watched “bridge walkers” as they slowly traversed the Sydney Harbour Bridge - not for the faint of heart!! We continued walking around the harbour to find there are many outside restaurants and cafes along the waterfront, so we decided to have our dinner there before heading back to our hotel. Now, I’m getting a complex about storms following us, cos as we were sitting at our outdoor table, a big black cloud came overhead, then we felt a couple of raindrops, and then - yes, another torrential downpour! We couldn’t even see the bridge for the heavy cloud cover and rain, and I couldn’t help feeling really sorry for those poor bridge walkers! People sitting at the outside restaurants ran for cover - including us - and then within 10 minutes, it was all over and the sun started to shine - there was even a rainbow over the opera house when we walked back.

    After our lovely “dinner and a storm”, we decided to head back to the hotel - busy day exploring tomorrow and we both have sore feet and legs from all this walking! So far, I’m very impressed with this beautiful city and cant wait to see more!
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  • День 9

    A Busy Sydney Day

    22 ноября 2018 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

    Up and out early this morning - the sun was shining and we walked from our place back over to the Opera House area and had a coffee at one of the outdoor restaurants while waiting for the hop on/hop off bus to come by. (Oh, and another 10 minute rainstorm just as we left the cafe!!). Got on the bus around 9:30 and began the hour and a half tour around the city. We drove by the beautiful Botanical Gardens and Hyde Park which are two lovely green spaces in the downtown area of Sydney. Lots of old buildings (well, old for Sydney) and points of interest, with an excellent commentary along the way. We stayed on the bus for the whole tour, and picked out the places we wanted to “hop off” on the next tour around! We got off near our hotel to grab our rain jackets - just in case - then got back on the next bus. We stopped at the Sydney Fish Market - huge place selling every kind of fish imaginable, and lots of places to eat lunch - which we did! There was also a great view of the Anzac Bridge from there, so photo opps! From there we walked across the Pyrmont pedestrian bridge into Darling Harbour, a lovely area with lots of boats, shopping and tourist attractions. I’ve always wanted to cuddle a Koala Bear, so we were going to go into the Wild Life zoo, until we found out you’re not allowed to touch or hold these cute critters ☹️. We then walked up the street a ways to the Sydney Tower Eye and rode the elevator up 250 metres to enjoy a stunning 360 degree view of the city.

    Leaving the tower, we walked to Hyde Park to see the Anzac memorial and reflection pool, and St. Mary’s Cathedral across the street, then hopped back on the bus and back to our hotel. Busy day with lots of walking (over 14km), so we had a rest before heading out for a nice dinner in our neighbourhood, then back to get a well deserved nights sleep before another busy day tomorrow!
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  • День 10

    Cruisin' the harbour and the beach!

    23 ноября 2018 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

    Up early again this morning, and headed down to Darling Harbour for a harbour cruise on the Captain Cook tour boat! Started out around 9:15, cruised past all the old warehouses and under the Harbour bridge - huge cruise ship in dock this morning - sign of a busy day around town! We went by Fort Denison, which is basically a sandstone island built in the middle of the harbour, in the old days, convicts who had not obeyed orders were banished in leg irons to the fort as an example to other convicts not to misbehave! We stopped at the Toronga zoo, then continued on to Manly Bay, passing the “gap” on the way, which is the opening out of the harbour to the Pacific Ocean. We also cruised by some lovely homes, as well as a quarantine station at North Head, set up for anyone who may have been deemed to have infectious diseases, it operated from 1832 to 1984! On the way back to Darling Harbour, we went past the home of the Governor General, and also a house used by the Prime Minister when he visits Sydney.

    Back into Darling Harbour and then Walked up to St. Mary’s Cathedral to have a look inside before we went to pick up the bus to take us out to Bondi Beach! We arrived there around noon and had a walk around, taking a gazillion photos of this beautiful beach! The beach was not overly busy, but there were lots of surfers looking to catch that perfect wave! Stopped at a store to buy a beach towel, then went for lunch at a sidewalk cafe, before heading down to the famous beach to catch some rays. We had noticed a lot of sun worshippers laying on the grass just outside of the beach, and soon found out why. It was very windy today, and the sand on the beach is very fine, so within minutes of settling in our spot, we were covered in sand, as were all our clothes, hair, ears, eyes, etc! We moved back closer to the wall, hoping for some reprieve, then finally joined the others on the grass! 😂😂. It was still a lovely afternoon, soaking up the sunshine and people watching!

    We headed back into town around 5:30 - had to shower up to get rid of all that sand, then went out for a nice dinner in a place close to our hotel. Time for shut eye now to ready ourselves for another Sydney adventure tomorrow!
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  • День 11

    Opera Anyone?

    24 ноября 2018 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    The only thing we had on the agenda today was a guided tour of the Sydney Opera House, so we slept in a little and had a slow morning. Left our place just after 9am to head to the Circular Quay area. We walked through beautiful Botanic Park again, stopping to look at statues, different plants and flowers, and saw the cockatiels again, as well as an interesting piece of art of a lady laying on a lounge chair?! In a previous post, there was a photo of a flower display that said Bite Me - this was to advertise a display they had in an area of the park named the Calyx, called Plants that Bite! There we saw a number of interesting plants - including of course, the Venus Flytrap - which catch and devour insects. We left there and headed over to the Conservatory of Music and had a look around there. Today, a number of the students were doing year end recitals, so we went into a couple of the recital rooms to watch. Walking through the park, we saw signs pointing to Government House so followed them to see this beautiful building with equally beautiful gardens - quite spectacular! We the headed to the Opera House for our 12 o’clock tour. The Opera house is an amazing structure which took 16 years to build at a cost of $120 million dollars - a little longer than the estimated 3 years, and a little more expensive than the projected $7 million 😳. It was officially opened by the Queen in 1973. We found out today that there are around a million tiles on the roofs that make up the sails, and the tiles are actually two different colours - white and cream. It was designed by a Danish architect, Jorn Utzon, whose original submission (number 218 of about 230 submissions for the design proposals) was actually tossed aside, until an American architect came on board as one of the judges and decided he liked this particular one. It would be interesting to see what might have ended up in its place had the panel of judges not reconsidered! There are two main theatres in the opera house, one for ballet and opera, the other for symphony and theatre, and both are beautiful with great attention paid to acoustics, both natural and amplified. All of the materials used in the building are from New South Wales, from the cement used in the beams, the granite in the outer floors, and the many kinds of timber used inside the theatres. Truly a beautiful place, and well worth the tour.

    We walked along the quay after the opera house and stopped for lunch at an outside cafe. Luckily today there was no storm so there was no requirement to (as the song says) “better run, better take cover”!! 😂😂. After lunch, we walked back to our place for a bit of a rest - all the walking over the past few days started getting to us I think!

    So after a good rest, we went back downtown to the Circular Quay and after seeing Santa and his Elves riding bikes and a sleigh, had a lovely dinner at the Searock Grill right beside the harbour. They had Kangaroo tenderloin steak on the menu, so I had to try it, and it was delicious - very lean and tasty! Dave was not quite as adventurous, but he did try a bite of mine! After dinner, we sat on the steps in front of the opera house to watch the Dance Rites Festival - a troupe of Aboriginal dancers performing their native dances. This area of Sydney is quite the happening place on a Saturday night with lots of people at the bars, heading to the opera or mulling around the Quay. We walked around a bit more, took lots of night time photos, then headed back to the hotel to finish packing for our destination tomorrow. Next stop - Alexander Headlands on the Sunshine Coast!
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