Our American Holiday

januar - februar 2018
Et 32-dagers eventyr av Brydie Les mer
  • 31fotspor
  • 2land
  • 32dager
  • 162bilder
  • 0videoer
  • 26,6kkilometer
  • 23,9kkilometer
  • Dag 2

    Sydney Airport

    5. januar 2018, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Today we are flying out from Sydney to LA we are very excited! We caught the train to the airport it was very easy and got a big snooze in. Fingers crossed they change our seats so we can sit next to each other on this 14 hour ride.Les mer

  • Dag 2


    5. januar 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    We had the best day today! Landed in LAX early and got a shuttle to our hotel, checked in and went straight for a nap ready to face the day! When we got up we went around the corner and got my SIM card to call home along with a light refreshment 🥛 once we organise that we caught an uber to Hollywood boulevard where we seen all the ⭐️ stars along the walk way and visited the wax museum another ✅ off the bucket list! We then caught a tour bus from there to the Hollywood sign look out and down town to Beverly Hills, we seen heaps of famous actors and singers houses and also seen the palace where Michael Jackson passed away! Once we finished the tour we kicked straight onto the NBA game watching the LA Lakers be defeated (unfortunately) by the Charlotte Hornets! Toby and I both got a jersey for the Lakers and loved the atmosphere at the staple centre! Uber-ed it home and now time to hit the sack ready for universal studios tomorrow 🎉Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Universal Studio & Santa Monica

    6. januar 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    What an awesome day! We went VIP into universal and it was so good, we started off with breaky in the VIP section then headed out to check out the Harry Potter section of the park. We met our tour leader Mark at 9:45 and he kick started the tour with heading back to the Harry Potter sections going on two rides but we got to head straight to the front of the line because of our VIP passes! (we thought we the shit hahaha) this section was just amazing it had all the shops like off the movie and all the lollies like Harry had on the train people actually paid top dollar for fake wonds and all, we had this thing called a butter beer that was actually just like a caramel shake it was very nice! Jurassic park was next and once again we felt like the shit because we got given plastic ponchos from mark the tour guide so we didn't get wet.
    We headed to lunch a couple rides later and the meal was a buffet it was so yummy! Toby had like three plates and almost shit him self on the way to meet back to meet our group.
    The tour of the actual studios was the part that really had us think omg we are here! We seen sets where the pirates of the Caribbean was filmed and also where jaws was filmed.
    When we finished up at universal we headed to Santa Monica pier and had a ride on the Ferris wheel. We walked out to the end and went into this bait shop where we brought a magnet and seen the whole shop inside was covered with money from all over the world with messages and names marked on them! So we pulled out a five buck note from home and put our names and 2018 and added it!
    Lastly we ended the day at Bubba Gumps for dinner then caught an uber back to the motel we got some bloke named Blair he was like 50 and was really cool he told us all about his new girlfriend and how the rekindled their love after years and years. We are pretty sure he kept missing turns so he could keep chatting to us he even got his girlfriend on FaceTime to talk to us about where she went in Australia! What a day!!
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    San Diego

    7. januar 2018, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    We joined our top deck tour today and the craziest thing ever happened! Another couple from Cessnock our age is on the tour the girl works at Coles and the guy is doing the same trade as Toby!
    This was so freaky because the fortune teller Diane told me we would meet another couple and the boy would do the same trade as Toby and we would get on well with them and we have! They are lovely we know people they know and all!
    We went into San Diego and went to mission beach and rode bikes along the there! We had tacos for lunch they were really nice!
    We left there after lunch and heading into down town San Diego for a tour of where to go tomorrow and to see where the zoo is and the museums ready, we then got dropped off at old Mexico which was really cool, we visited a grave site from the 1800 and went to a shop called Toby's candle and soap shop!
    We headed to dinner for more Mexican it was a huge meal just like we had been told it would be! We have now headed to our hotel room with the rest of our group and we are getting ready to head out for an organised bar crawl with beer pong and all! We are pretty excited hopefully we don't get screwed over by he free pour!( they don't measure their spirits and just pour however much in) and that's a wrap for day three we love our top deck group and are very excited for the zoo tomorrow 😊
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    San Diego Zoo

    8. januar 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    We had a big day today we woke up and had breaky at the hotel we are staying at. We then headed to the zoo with our tour group it was awesome we seen flamingos in real life for the first time and rode a double decka bus around the park! We seen a two week old baby giraffe and all.
    After the zoo we headed to the air and space museum where we seen the capsule of the apollos nine that carried the first men to space! Toby was loving it 😂 after there we got an uber to a small shopping centre and had a look around before we walked back to our hotel.
    We are so tired and are going to get ready for dinner and then hit the sack early ready to head to Prescott tomorrow which will be a big day of driving but a good chance to see the country and have a bit of a chilled out day! That's all for day 4
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Prescott Arizona

    9. januar 2018, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 0 °C

    We had a big day driving today from San Diego to Prescott Arizona. We stoped for lunch at a popular American dinner called in and out the food was so good it was all fresh and the chips were cut right there, they only have three types of burgers and they were like $2 each! We also went through a check stop because we were so close to the Mexican boarder.
    We went out for dinner in Prescott and then all of a sudden we looked out the window and it was snowing! It was the first lot of snow they have had this season it was very excited! We are now at a little country bar listening to classic songs and chatting away! Ready to head to the canyon tomorrow 👍🏼
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Sedona - Flagstaff Arizona

    10. januar 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    First stop of the day was Sedona look out, Sedona is a little town on the way to the Grand Canyon and is well known for its sandstone red rock mountains it was very pretty! Toby and I had lunch at a little cowboy sort of place and it was delicious we had sweet potato chips and all, we then headed over to our tour of the Sedona red mountains in a jeep! It was a little bit scary but we were very lucky because the mountain tops were covered in snow from the night before so it made the view 10x more amazing! We then headed to Flagstaff, it is full on snowing here so very cold we called in at Walmart and got some supplies ready for the cold weather tomorrow 🤞🏽 fingers crossed there will be snow at the canyon tomorrow!Les mer

  • Dag 8

    The Grand Canyon

    11. januar 2018, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

    Today we flew over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter and it was amazing! We were to lucky because it snowed the night before and the contrast of white snow to red rock was beautiful!
    We then drove from where we flew to the south rim of the Canyon and walker along it and had some lunch.
    We are now back at where we are staying in flagstaff about to head to dinner, but the Canyon was truely amazing 😍
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    Horseshoe bend

    12. januar 2018, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

    Today we traveled from Flagstaff to a native reserve where we visited a Native American art shop and seen where they live and how their community works, they have their own government and president with in the reserve and own laws!
    We then went to horseshoe bend where we hiked out to the cliff face it was so scary but really pretty to see, the river that ran through the canal was the Colorado river. There were so many Asian tourists out there getting way to close to the edge it was crazy!
    We then called into a place called Page where we had Mexican for lunch and then we were off again, we are staying the night at Knab and just went to a cowboy show, we where the characters! It was pretty funny but the food was really good like a home cooked meal we had roast beef, salad, beans, Dutch oven potatoes and damper! It was a really good experience 👍🏼
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Angels landing-Zion National park-Vegas

    13. januar 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Today we got up early and headed to Zion national park. We were under the impression we were going to do a hike similar to Yakabar only longer and a little bit harder, what Angels landing had in store for us was not even imaginable! We walked for an hour to what was called the look out a series of zig zagging bends to the top then we had to walk around the edge of this cliff holding onto chains. We then got to the part where we could see the top and thought no way! Not in a million years would we get to the top it was walking across one section to the other with drop offs either sides and no chains the whole way along! Toby was shitting him self, we waited at this section for about half an hour before we were about to head back. We also got our photo to say we made it half way! Even girls in our group had said, that's it for us we are not going any further. Then come along Tracey and American man that basically guilted us into it, he had climbed it twice before and said we were so close and had to do it! Toby had started to go back around the corner, I yelled "Toby I am going with the girls ", "I'm going to the top" his reply was "no your not! Your not going" I then said again "I am going" so he turned back and said " well I guess I have to go then" we started to hike to the top and it was bloody tough and was probably the most scariest thing I have done in my life! The view was definitely worth every minute of fear!
    We made it back down to the bottom safely and very proud of our selves! We are now on route to Vegas to get on our party bus, we cannot wait!
    Les mer