  • Día 1

    Day 1 in Tallinn, Estonia

    21 de septiembre de 2019, Estonia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    I arrived at 12 after an awful 3 hour flight. Sitting near the back with Wizz Air means smelling the toilet everytime the door opens.

    Anyway... I took a tram into the city centre and did some exploring. Tallinn has the most authentic old town I have ever seen. You can see that many buildings are still in the same state they were years ago (wooden doors, cracked exteriors).

    There are lots of Russian people in Estonia. I went to a market that was selling things from Ukraine and Russia. So of course I had a shot of Russian liquor for €1.

    The weather was actually okay today. It started to get "nordic" in the evening, but many restaurants provide outdoor heating and blankets anyway. So I enjoyed a meat soup and honey beer outdoors with a blanket.

    I am slightly surprised that Estonia is the most expensive Baltic country I have been to. Latvia and Poland are a lot cheaper. Luckily I already bought amber in Latvia for half of what it costs here.
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