  • 日4

    Camino Del Norte - Day 4

    2017年6月12日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Camino Del Norte - Day 4

    Deba - Markina Xemein
    Distance 23km
    Total ascent 915m
    Total descent 830km.

    I wandered around Deba which is a small basque provincial town. I had a wonderful squid and octopus salad followed by a hake dinner. (Note Jackie Crank - no beer)
    The town's beach was lovely. Lots of surfers but a very strong tidal way. Some of the pilgrims went for a swim. I paddled. Lovely on well worn feet.
    The Albergue was full last night but excellent facilities. All for 5 euros. They even turned away a large group of Spanish kids. I thought we were on a winner but it was very warm overnight. Someone beat even me in the snoring competition. I used my anti snoring device so was quiet as a church mouse. The other guy nearly got lynched.
    As a result of the snore fest, most of us in my room were up and out the door at 6.15am.
    We left the coast for a few days to walk inland.
    Unfortunately, it was lashing rain. It did have one advantage of feeling fresh and cool. I set off alone and straight away into a long steep ascent.
    The rain continued most of the day. So no pictures of the landscape as it was either raining heavily or I was in the cloud base.
    I stopped around 9am for a breakfast of bread, cheese and chorizo. There were no refreshments points on this entire section so all peregrinos were advised to stock up. There weren't many watering points either.
    I eventually ended up walking with my fellow Irishman again and chatting to peregrinos from Italy, USA, Holland and Spain.
    Sections of the path were steep and very muddy. My shoes have taken a battering. We eventually got into Markina Xemein around 1am. We sat and lay on our rucksacks across the road while we waited for the Albergue to open at 3pm.
    We all shared the remains of our food on a poncho. It was interesting finding out about other people's stories. Most peregrinos are walking sections because of time and work constraints. We have already picked out each other out who are aiming to walk the whole Camino.
    The hospilardos have been kind and really looked after us. This Albergue is by donation only and breakfast included. All my admin is completed.
    I have included photographs of Deba beach and tonight's stop in Markina Xemein.
    Tomorrow, we walk to Gernike. During the Spanish civil war, Franco used Hilter and Mussolini's airforces to destroy the town.
    Hopefully, the weather will improve. My feet are holding up well. One blister only but my shoes have taken a battering. Looking at the soles, they MIGHT get me to Santiago?

    Thank you for your generous support of B.I.R.D.