  • Dag 22

    Voting Day

    22. januar 2015, England ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    Today I finally got to do something that I've been looking forward to going since I left home - vote overseas!

    Several weeks ago Campbell Newman called the state election and today was the second day that pooling booths had been opened in London.

    Off I went at lunch time to Queensland House. We got taken up to a medium sized room with 3 polling booths on the left side and a giant official looking box and table on the right.

    We filled out our details, went to the booth, put our form in the box and left. We were shown up and shown down the stairs. All very official.

    I went up with a couple who were very serious about the matter. The gentleman even interrupted my conversation with the lady to discuss the positioning of candidates.

    I was just excited to be there. The Labour Party were the only ones who had dropped off their 'how to vote' cards. I guess there's something to be said for organisation.

    Bucket list: vote while overseas - check!
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