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Top 10 Travel Destinations London
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    • Day 13

      Winston Churchill War Rooms, London

      July 8 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      London is always a wonderful place to spend the day. Full of history, ceremony and pomp with great architecture. Darren booked to go to the Winston Churchill Rooms, which were very informative and showed the underground rooms where Churchill and staff lived and where the intelligence and strategy of WW11 was developed. Lunch at an amazing dumpling place in Covent Garden.Read more

    • Day 7

      London Day 4

      July 3 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Met up with my wonderful friend Trish, her daughter Britt and grandies Charlotte and Sammy. Thanks so much for making the effort to see me ♥️
      Trish took us on a fabulous day tour, Hamstead on Heath, the canals, the Spaniards Inn, famous for its association with Dick Turpin and Charles Dickens.
      Then a quiet one at St Pancras Renaissance Hotel.
      Finished off with a guiness in Waxy O'Connors, Leicester Square.
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    • Day 396

      Oxford Street und drumherum

      July 18 in England ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute durfte Bea mal ohne Aufsicht unterwegs sein. Da ihre Freundin zur Zeit auch in London ist, sind die beiden shoppen gegangen. Jörg und ich sind in der Zwischenzeit durch Mittagshitze und Richtung Soho und weiter zur Carnaby Street gezogen.
      Leider haben wir erst kurz bevor wir uns wieder mit Bea treffen wollten das Kaufhaus Liberty gefunden. Das Gebäude ist im Tudor Stil gehalten und äußerst edel. Ich kenne ein paar Menschen, die sich z.B. in der Stoffabteilung durchaus länger aufhalten könnten. (Natürlich mit mir zusammen!)
      Danach war uns allen viel zu heiß um noch irgendwas zu machen, außer zurück zum Campingplatz zu fahren und Eis zu essen.
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    • Day 4

      Buckingham Palace Changing of Guard

      July 19 in England ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      When we heard this ABBA song and another Mama Mia song, we liked it and thought of Gigi, but were perplexed. This wasn’t from the history books… Lots of people here for the changing of the guard and so hot. Met a guy named Johnny from the Keys in Florida. Had to get there an hour and a half early to get front row by the gate. Kids are getting elbowed by other kids. This is some serious stuff!Read more

    • Day 3


      February 2 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Second day in London did start with me doing my assignment which we didn't capture in photos (is on a tiktok later), but luckily I finished and we got to walk around. We went to St Dunstan in the East Church Garden which was a cool decrepit church. Next we went to a random church we found that had a cafe and a dog inside who is our new best friend. We visited St Paul's but we were too late for the tours. We went to Postman Park just for the Pat joke and some really sad plaques of heros. And finished with a Harry Potter store which Emily spend too much money in!Read more

    • Day 9–10

      When a woman is tired of London…

      June 12 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      2nd Eurostar journey complete, I headed to my hotel near Kings Cross to drop off my bag before hitting the nearby streets for a stroll. I was looking for a bookshop and discovered Word on the Water, a bookshop on a barge moored on the canal. Purchase made, I headed back to the hotel to await the arrival of Sarah and Gerard who kindly made the trip over from Battersea to meet me for dinner. We decided it would have been wrong to skip the 2 for 1 cocktails on offer in the hotel lounge, and may have ordered our 6 at once in order to meet the happy hour closing deadline. Pina Coladas et al quaffed, we walked a few steps to the immensely popular pizza place on the corner, queueing for around 30 minutes for our table. We were all getting pretty antsy and a touch hangry by the time we were finally let inside. Fortunately the food on offer was delicious, and we talked about everything and nothing as we ate our fill. All too soon it was time to say goodbye and S&G decided it was a good night for a stroll to Trafalgar Square - it was all I could do to stagger the few metres back to the hotel and retire to my small but perfectly formed room.

      The next day Linda and I had planned to rendezvous for a fancy lunch at Fortnum and Mason at the Royal Exchange to kick off the Screaming Sixties World Tour in fine fashion. It’s a glorious building, actually the third to stand on the site. The first two were destroyed by fire in 1666 and 1838. That makes the current building a veritable whippersnapper opened by Queen Victoria in 1844. Having dispatched the obligatory champagne and a scotch egg or two, we went our separate ways, meeting up again at Searcy’s Champagne Bar at St Pancras. Home to the Press for Champagne button, Searcy’s is just the spot for traditions to be created. I visited here prior to my first journey northwards on the Caledonian Sleeper, and then introduced Linda to it when we were heading to Aberdeen on our way to Shetland. It was therefore an automatic inclusion on the agenda prior to heading to Euston to await the sleeper’s departure.

      This may be my first visit to London in many years where a jaunt to Liberty wasn’t on the agenda. I knew I’d be unlikely to get out of there without at least one purchase and figured I probably didn’t need to lug anything extra to Scotland and back. Besides, there’s still time for another visit (or two) to London before heading home!

      Stay tuned next time for the introduction of some new characters…The Mayors of Smugtown!
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    • Day 389

      Sherlock Holmes und so

      July 11 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Da der Flieger von Bea gestern Abend später als geplant gelandet ist, und wir dann auch noch den langen Weg vom Flughafen zum Campingplatz bestreiten mussten, war die Nacht recht kurz. Entsprechend schleppend verliefen aufstehen, frühstücken und wach werden.
      So richtig geplant hatten wir für heute nichts, irgendwann sind wir im Sherlock Holmes Museum gelandet - okay, aber nicht extrem spannend.
      Es fühlte sich so an, als wären wir heute extrem viel rumgelaufen, aber der Schrittzähler hat wohl nicht richtig mitgezählt. 🤷‍♀️
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    • Day 84

      Talk tomorrow

      November 26, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Today started as the most quiet day that we've had in quite a while. We went out to get breakfast using the amazing app that lets us buy food about to be tossed by cafes. After that we spent the rest of the morning cleaning the flat in preparation for leaving tomorrow.

      Once the cleaning was complete, we went for a walk to go see King's Cross station and to get our daily exercise.

      Once we got back home we rested for a while before going to pick up none other than Andrew from the train station! Then it was time for our favourite: Sunday Roast.

      After the roast we hit up lots of bars and spent the rest of the night emptying our wallets, this was posted before we got home - so hopefully we are as enthusiastic tomorrow as we are right now 😅

      Step counts: 18.6k
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    • Day 80

      Nothin' like a nice cuppa tea

      November 22, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      This morning we woke up feeling spoilt since we were able to sleep through the night without using earplugs and praying! We got up in our own time and made ourselves a hot drink and had some biscuits, a good start to English cuisine!

      We then started wandering towards our main activity for the day. While doing so we stumbled across many famous London landmarks, first was Picadilly square and the national gallery. Then we found ourselves walking down The Mall, past the Royal Society and out the front of some place called Buckingham Palace. Not sure what goes on there, but they have a bunch of people with pipe cleaner hats.

      After a while we made our way to the Victoria coach station to board a high tea bus! This classic London double decker was to tour us around the city while we sat and enjoyed a high tea. It was excellent. We saw many more places, too many to mention. We were also lucky enough to be up on the top floor. And with only the two of us for a booth for four!

      Eventually the bus trip came to an end, we rose to the challenge and polished off all of the sweets and sandwiches with a few cups of tea to help. We waddled out of the bus and towards our next destination, Winter Wonderland a Christmas market in Hyde Park.

      This market was the biggest we've seen by far (not that there have been many other ones to compare to...) It had dozens of food stalls, as well as rides and random junk for people to buy.

      We slid down an icy hill in an inflatable tyre and then went in a refrigerated tent that contained heaps of carved ice sculptures in the style of Norse mythology, they were amazing!

      Later on we went into an ice bar that was -10°C, fortunately that was also in a refrigerated tent and the outside temperature was much warmer than that.

      Bec also managed to find herself a food item which she had been praying to find while in the UK: A slice of roast beef with gravy and veggies wrapped in a flat Yorkshire pudding... It was delicious and just goes to show how far science has come.

      After we had exhausted ourselves (and our wallets) we wandered back to our apartment for the night.

      Step count: 28.2k
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    • Day 83

      A walk through history

      November 25, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Today we headed to The British Museum to see all the artefacts that the British stole. Objects that we should have been able to see in our previous countries - Greece in particular.

      It felt like the museum was originally a casino, there were no windows or clocks and that's how we happened to have spent 4.5 hours inside. Definitely nothing to do with Phill's reading speed...

      We saw all the things we wanted, including the Rosetta stone, the missing statue from the Erechtheion, with a special mention of Egyptian mummies.

      After the museum we were both brain dead and starving, so we headed homebound with a detour at Tesco to buy lunch/dinner which we enjoyed before heading out for a late night shop and planning our next week.

      Step count: 12.3k
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    London, Лондан, Londen, ለንደን, Londres, Lunden, لندن, ܠܘܢܕܘܢ, Лондон, Горад Лондан, लंदन, লন্ডন, ལོན་ཊོན།, Londrez, Lùng-dŭng, ᎫᎴ ᏗᏍᎪᏂᎯᏱ, لەندەن, Londra, Londýn, Londin, Лондонъ, Llundain, Λονδίνο, Londono, Londri, Lontoo, Lodoni, Londro, Londain, 倫敦, Lunnainn, Londye, લંડન, Lunnin, Lùn-tûn, Lākana, לונדון, Lonn, Լոնդոն, LON, ロンドン, london, ლონდონი, ಲಂಡನ್, 런던, Loundres, Londinium, Londe, Lundra, Londoni, ລອນດອນ, لأندأن, Londonas, Londona, लण्डन, Rānana, ലണ്ടൻ, लंडन, လန်ဒန်မြို့, Лондон ош, Lûn-tun, लन्दन, Landan, ଲଣ୍ଡନ, ਲੰਡਨ, Londyn, लन्डन्, Lunnon, Londons, ලන්ඩන්, Lůndůn, இலண்டன், లండన్, ลอนดอน, Landen, لوندون, Łondra, Luân Đôn, Londn, Londar, 伦敦, לאנדאן, Lọndọnu, ILondon

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