  • Dag 38


    14. oktober 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Friday 13th October 2018
    Drove to Madura, stayed in the Roadhouse Motel there overnight, weather was atrocious, very windy, a short downpour after we got there – lucky. Had dinner in the restaurant, pork chops for Mick, Seafood basket for me, not bad meal.
    Saturday 14th October 2018
    Arrived Ceduna about lunch time, stopping at the Oyster Barn to get some Oysters for lunch to share with Gina, very nice they were too, very fresh. Spent the afternoon catching up with Gina, showing her some of the photos of our trip and swapping music and movies from our hard drives.
    Sunday 15th October 2018
    Spent the day with Gina, walked on the beach, collected some shells ad some unusual, what we think is coral. Some very beautiful shells with very different colours, including one bright orange, purples and gorgeous mother of pearl.
    Went to Mozzies for coffee, sat on the foreshore to drink it, very pleasant until with wind whipped up. Spent the afternoon watching movies, Gina made some caramel popcorn, very nice. Stayed at Gina’s for the second night. Incredible thunder storm started about 10 o’clock, best light show I’ve ever seen. Managed to get some pictures of the lightening, not very good. Storm lasted until early hours of the morning, although the spectacular lightening moved on within a few hours, leaving a little light show behind it that was still going when I got up for the toilet in the wee small hours.
    Les mer