Jämtlands runt

syyskuuta 2021
Getting back to the mountains again. A bit further south this time. Starting from Undersåker the plan is to take me to Vålådalen, then Sylarna, Helags, Fjällnäs, Rogen and finally Grövelsjön. Lue lisää
  • 6jalanjäljet
  • 1maat
  • 7päivää
  • 16valokuvat
  • 0videot
  • 87kilometriä
  • Päivä 1

    His Majesty

    13. syyskuuta 2021, Ruotsi ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    First day back on trail. Backpack is terribly heavy. A lot of food and warmer clothes and more comfort (new sleeping pad - yay! Fuck Therm-a-Rest). Train was awesome as always. You board, go to sleep and wake up again in the mountains. You get a fresh coffee, have breakfast, climb off and start hiking.

    From Undersåker it started with a bit of a road walk, you have to find some lonesome trail that leads up into the mountains. I took that route because I missed to see it on the map last year on my Gröna Bandet and went from Vålådalen to Undersåker all on road. About 30k. That was no fun at all, especially when I realized there was an alternative. And so I wanted to know what I had missed.
    It’s a long climb up Välliste getting you somewhat above 900m. That trail up seems to be used by mountain bikers mostly. Nothing too exciting, but I like those birch forests and when they slowly fade out into kalfjäll (tree line).
    What follows is a long descent down to Ottsjö with a smaller hill in between (I hate those). Ottsjö has two nice “hotels” and even an ICA. No resupply this time but good to know for the future.
    It was early evening already and I needed a place to stay. So I decided to walk the road once again since the alternative trail lead through dense and rather steep forest for about 7k and I wasn’t sure if I’d find a tent spot there. My legs tired and I didn’t want to pitch in the dark either.
    After the road I found another local trail next to the lake, followed it until it reaches the trail over to Ottfjället and just a bit up hill I found a nice flat spot.

    Just when I was finished pitching the tent I heard steps on the trail and when I looked up I saw it: a huge animal with big, big antlers. It walked slowly past my tent, not taking any notice of me despite me moving when hauling my way too heavy backpack. It kept on walking and disappeared in the forest.
    What was it? My brain was fuzzy. A moose? A moose! No wait, a moose looks completely different (ugly) and is much bigger. But what was it then? An elk? No, no elk. And then “of course!” I realized: a reindeer, a male reindeer. But an old one, like really, really old. Which might explain why it either didn’t notice me at all or just couldn’t be bothered anymore. Unfortunately I had no time for a picture but its appearance was magic and majestic. What a nice surprise before going to bed!
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  • Päivä 2

    Creatures of the Forest

    14. syyskuuta 2021, Ruotsi ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    Tried to get up early. Didn’t work. But compared to all the next days it still was the earliest start. I had a good nights sleep on the new mattress (all hail to Sea To Summit!) but a hell lot of condensation. As expected since I was still in a valley, basically right next to a big lake. And it’s autumn. So despite no rain my tent was wet outside and inside. And so was my sleeping bag. That’s why I waited a bit for the morning sun to dry up things a bit. I thought the inside was dry enough to pack the tent together with the inner. Bad idea. But for now it was about climbing over Ottfjället. The views were fantastic and the area around the mountain tops just absolutely beautiful. The trail winding up slowly between small lakes and minor peaks. The way down to Vålådalen was rather boring. Can’t have it all I guess.

    Had “fika” in mild afternoon sun at Vålådalen’s well known mountain station.

    Continued towards Stensdalstugorna. The trail I planned to take didn’t exist on any of the local maps and naturally there were also no signs accordingly. So I went for what seemed to be the standard route, even though I did parts of it the year before. And it was beautiful, especially with the sun shining. At some point you leave Vålån and turn towards Stensdalen. A not too long stretch through dense birch and pine forest between bogs and marshland. It started to get dark, and cold. And I wondered if I would make it out of the forest, a bit above tree line before it got dark. Didn’t want to camp in a valley again after the wet night before.

    And while considering my options, walking heads down focused on the trail it happened. I looked up and opposite a short ditch, right on top of a hill on trail there it stood. This creature. Facing me, watching me. First thought: “A wolf!” Next thought: “No, no, please not, no wolf!” And while I started to find good reasons why this impossibly could be a real wolf (it totally looked like a wolf, but who wants to be eaten by a wolf? Also they sure bread all kind of dogs these days, why not some that totally look like wolves. Right?) it set out approaching me and before I could think what I should or could do it was already there. Right in front of me, and taking a sniff. All that came to my mind at that moment was “it’s a dog and I must comfort it”. I’ve had encounters with lone dogs before and they usually “just” join you and you won’t get rid of them anymore. So I said to the “dog”: “So what am I supposed to do with you now?!”.
    No reaction whatsoever, it didn’t even look at me. That’s when I knew this can’t be a dog. And then I saw its collar. That’s not a thing you put around the neck of your pet. It clearly was a tracking device attached with what looked like a black zip tie.
    “Oh shit!” - and a second later it was on its way further down the trail, not giving a god damn shit about me.

    A short relief. My head started spinning. What if it changed its mind? What if it’s like “well, didn’t find anything to eat, why not go back and eat that human?”. Next thought “aren’t they in packs normally. So where’s the rest?” - just a minute later I saw a bunch of animals behind some bushes on a open meadow. My heart sank. But looking closer I was quite sure it’s reindeer. So I thought “hey wolf, eat them, not me!”

    Well. What an encounter. It also settled the question whether or not to camp in the forest. Once and for all. Two seconds later I climbed out of the forest and pitched my tent above tree line, overlooking the valley and the mountains. Just so I see them coming for me. At least.
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  • Päivä 3

    Stensdalen - Gåsen

    15. syyskuuta 2021, Ruotsi ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Night was very cold. Woke up, went for a pee and was overwhelmed by the stars. Not a single cloud made way for a spectacular view on millions of stars. The milky-way a bright belt across the sky. But no northern lights. Bummer!
    Morning sun was overwhelming but I woke up to a completely wet sleeping bag and a tent half wet, half frozen. Decided to take it slow to give things a chance to thaw or dry up.

    The trail over to Stensdalen is amazingly beautiful. Stunning views in the valleys below. Stensdalen itself being a romantic tiny village of cabins in the middle of a birch forest. As so often here in the Swedish “fjäll”. The way over to Gåsen was not quite that romantic. A tedious, never ending climb. But found time to dry out my gear. Which was amazing because my sleeping bag came back to maximum fluff.

    After Gåsenstugorna I made my way back down into the valley and found a wonderful tent spot a bit away from the trail, well sheltered from wind and still a bit higher up to (one more time) try avoid too much condensation. Look at that sundowner!
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  • Päivä 4

    Jävla Triangeln

    16. syyskuuta 2021, Ruotsi ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Sorry, Tanya, for stealing your headline.

    Woke up to a perfectly dry tent. Can you believe it? But I wouldn’t make it back on trail before 10.00. What’s going on?

    The way over from Gåsån to Sylarna is unremarkable. As soon as you reach the actual “Triangeln” it’s just a wide hiker “autobahn”. Nothing attractive here. It was cold and windy. Probably just like it always is. Sylarna fjällstation looks like a cozy place. The mother of all fjällstations as a friend (hey Katri!) recently called it.
    Had a coffee or two and decided to keep going. Despite my Achilles’ tendon being very convincing to tell me otherwise. Again found a super sweet spot, hidden from the trail, about half way over to Helags. Nice!
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  • Päivä 5


    17. syyskuuta 2021, Ruotsi ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    It’s been raining the whole night and consequently my tent was soaked and so was the top of the sleeping bag. Managed to leave at 8.00. A record on this tour. But soon I came to realize this might be my last day. My Achilles’ tendon went on strike again and is now signaling I should better book a return ticket or that wolf pack is my smaller problem. Easier said than done. Sitting at Helags fjällstation right now, arranging things. There’s still a bit to walk (Ljungdalen, 20k) and the next bus is on Sunday evening. All beds in Ljungdalen seem to be booked for tonight so I’ll do a little detour to what looks like a nice place, camp there, take it slow and grab a bed and hopefully a shower tomorrow at Ljungdalen’s hostel.Lue lisää