  • Dia 136


    12 de fevereiro de 2020, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Whaaaaat! No way we are half way through already, but yup apparently so.
    Got up at 5.45 to meet Andrew outside the front of the house. We were the advanced surfing party. Zoomed down to Margaret river with Steven. Spied the beach then waited for Andrew's friend to arrive whilst having a courage pie and coke.
    Went round to south point to start the surf. It was pretty big with some big rips. I decided to watch the others for a bit to see how they got on. After 45 mins of watching with Steve, with only 1 wave caught between them, I decided to go round the corner to the smaller, more crowded but more consistent looking wave.
    Had a fun little surf.
    We then went along to another beach and met up with Hannah and Heather who had driven down a bit later.
    Massive dumpy surf here. I got the boogy board and got a few. Then Andrew and I went in with the hand planes. Couldn't really commit to the big ones as it would have been face crunch into the sand.
    Thunder was rolling in, so we retired to the accommodation via Coles for food. Amazing place with a pool and huge open space. Andrew, Hannah and I cooked up a lovely salad.
    G and Td up we were all knackered. Final challenge of getting the boys to bed. Then bedtime for the rest of us.
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