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Top 10 Travel Destinations Busselton
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    • Day 149

      Dunsborough Part 2 🎂

      July 5 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      We visited Countrylife Farm and Matt and Rosie fell in love with the baby rabbits! We must have spent about 10mins just cuddling them. It was a cool place for the kids as Rosie got to go on the merry-go-round, the bumper cars and pedalo as well as feeding the animals. They also had a big indoor play area where Poppy happily played in the baby soft play area. Rosie made friends with an older girl and ran around with her for ages!
      The day before my birthday was very stormy. We went to the farmers market at Margaret River before doing a wine tasting at Madfish wines and a delicious lunch out. In the afternoon I had my birthday treat of sauna and facial. It was a really long sauna which gave me time to totally relax, and then managed to fall asleep during the facial!
      On my birthday I was woken up by Rosie coming into our room with a parcel of drawings she'd cut out for me. She was so proud to show me each one and sang happy birthday which was very cute. Poppy has now started to do kisses which is so sweet! She's so fun to hang out with and is just so smiley and cuddly. She's getting closer to crawling now too, but mostly likes standing up holding your hands.
      We went to Canal Rocks in the morning of my birthday, but as it was still stormy so walked the inland Cape to Cape track for a bit before our lunch at Swings and Roundabouts. The playpark was awesome there! And the pizza and pumpkin salad was delicious.
      We also visited Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse and went possum spotting in the evening. Found 3 of the small Western Ringtail Possums, which are endemic to Western Australia. Rosie was very excited!
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    • Day 152

      Dunsborough Part 3 - Some 1sts

      July 8 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Matt hired a surfboard so has had a couple of sessions at Point Picquet which is just up the road. The girls and I have enjoyed watching from the bank and playing some games. Rosie has got really good at tracing letters and numbers now. And Poppy has been trying to chew everything she can today... perhaps more teeth coming?
      Yesterday I went for a run along the coast path and past the MTB trail. Such beautiful scenery here. I bet it's amazing when more flowers are out too!
      Poppy had her first bike ride yesterday. Luckily Alan and Wendy have bikes here we can borrow, including a baby bike seat. She absolutely loved it and didn't stop smiling.
      Rosie and I finally had a haircut yesterday, Rosie's first one! Sad to say bye to her baby hairs but we both look less bedraggled now! We went for a swim at the local pool afterwards as it was a rainy day. Rosie did amazingly well and put her face underwater with goggles on several times. Poppy loved kicking her legs and splashing into the water off the side.
      This morning Poppy did her first bit of crawling 🎉 We were all cheering her on. Soon there will be no stopping her!
      Today was also a bit rainy so we went to a place called Wow Illusions which had things like a mirror maze. It was good fun :) Poppy was waving at everyone there!
      After that we had a yummy lunch at Fishbone Wines and then went to a biodynamic vineyard to do a quick tasting. After Matt's surf in the afternoon we went to Bunkers beach, which is a beautiful sandy beach where Matt saw dolphins surfing before. Didn't see them today sadly but Rosie and Matt had fun running about whilst I took Poppy for a walk and cuddles in the sling.
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    • Day 141


      June 27 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      We flew from Cairns to Perth on a Jet Star flight which easily had the least leg room of any plane we've been on! Not ideal as it was a night flight so Rosie slept on me and Poppy on Laura. We landed in the middle of the night and Rosie had no idea what was happening when we carried her off the plane. However, we were quickly checked into an airport hotel and back to bed.
      The next morning we picked up a hire car and after a quick stop at the botanical gardens, headed to see Jacky and Graham, with whom we'd be staying for a few days. They made us feel so welcome and the girls absolutely loved staying there. We day tripped to Rottnest Island which was great fun, beautiful beaches, interesting history and best of all for Rosie we're the quokkas!
      Our other cousins; Alan and Wendy kindly hosted a brunch for us on the Sunday which was great. It was really nice to be surrounded by family and the food and location were amazing too.
      Perth far surpassed our expectations with great beaches, parks everywhere, tree lined streets and lots of nature.
      After a few days enjoying Perth, we headed to Dunsborough where we are staying at Alan and Wendy's holiday apartment. It is absolutely amazing and we feel so lucky to be here. There is so much to see and do and we have seen amazing things like surfing dolphins and humpback whales. The plan is to spend a good chunk of time here to recharge our batteries before doing the Gibb River Road. We couldn't think of a better place to do this.
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    • Day 9–12


      March 4 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      Wir unterschätzen (wie die meisten Europäer) die unglaublichen Distanzen, die hier zwischen zwei Orten liegen können🇦🇺

      Doch nach vier langen Stunden erreichen wie das heutige Ziel; Albany💫
      Mit dem Wohnmobil ist das Reisen nicht ganz so bequem wie in einem PW, es ist relativ laut und die Kids schwitzen in ihren Sitzlis. Aber mit genügend Spielplatzpausen verkraften sie so einiges 😂

      Wir freuen uns nach der Ankunft auf eine Abkühlung im Wasserpark. Schnell merken wir, dass hier die Temperaturen einiges tiefer liegen. Auch nachts wird‘s richtig kalt. Dafür bekommt man hier Besuch von wilden Kanninchen🐰

      Albany war früher bekannt für Walfischfang, zum Glück ist dies vorbei..

      Am Emu Point geniessen wir das erste Mal einen wunderschönen Strand und ein herrliches 🍳 Eine einheimische Schule absolviert gerade ihre Schwimmstunde, herrlich zum Beobachten 😜
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    • Day 32

      Busselton: A Taste of Margaret River

      January 12 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      After breakfast at The Goose on the Busselton foreshore, we went off to find Sharon, the owner of Southwest Charters … and our driver/guide for today’s quick dip into the Margaret River Region, known for its craft breweries, boutiques, and wineries.

      The plan was to visit Canal Rocks, have a private wine tasting at a winery that was once a fruit orchard, enjoy lunch and another tasting at one of the premiere wineries of the region, stop for sweet treats at a chocolate factory, and then go in search of kangaroos in the wild … time permitting.

      Once Sharon saw that all three couples were from the US, she switched things around a bit, putting the ‘roos up front. What a delight it was to find a mob of Australia’s iconic macropods lazing under the trees at an olive grove … specifically western gray kangaroos. We took our cues from the ‘roos, approaching quietly and with caution to ensure they weren’t stressed by our presence.

      Our next stop then became Canal Rocks … a striking headland along the coast. The rocks here are gneiss, changed from granite … formed some 750 million years ago from molten rock many miles below the surface. The canal itself was sculpted by the waves crashing ashore from the Indian Ocean. Fractures and faults in the gneiss allow the water to penetrate, eroding it to form linear canals. Here, we went for a short walk along a boardwalk for a closer look at the amazing work of Mother Nature.

      Rivendell is where we went for our private wine tasting. And private it was as we were the only ones there until shortly before we left. The setting was wonderful … the weather was terrific. Sitting at a table on the deck, we tried a bubbly, three different whites, two rosés, and three reds. A generous number of wines … more so than we’ve had at tastings elsewhere around the world.

      Woody Nook was the next winery on our itinerary. Here, we again tried a number of wines, including a sweet dessert wine called Nooky Delight ☺️ By the time we were done with the tasting, we were ready to get some food into our tummies. Sharon had arranged for charcuterie boards for each couple to share. The quantity of food was overwhelming … but it was all tasty and there wasn’t much left on anyone’s platter by the time we were ready to leave.

      We wrapped up our tour with a stop at the Margaret River Chocolate Company. OMG! We tasted some of the delicious chocolate, bought a bunch to take away with us, and purchased ice cream to eat in the van on the way back to Busselton. A sweet ending to our day.

      The ride back to Busselton was a quiet one. I didn’t look back, but I think the others were napping … all that wine and food, dont’cha know 🤪

      We were back at the Busselton Jetty with 45 minutes to spare before the last tender at 3:30p. It was well past our scheduled 4:00p departure when Regatta weighed anchor … Captain Giulio’s cautionary words about strong winds and heavy swells once we leave the protection of Geographe Harbor still ringing in our ears.
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    • Day 29

      Injidup Natural Spa

      April 28 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Um eventuell noch mehr Kängurus zu sehen, bog ich einfach zwei Straßen später links ab und siehe da, wo mich der Zufall hinführte: zum Injidup Natural Spa im Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park.

      Es ist eine größere Steinformation anschließend an einen enorm riesigen weißen Sandstrand, wo die hohen Wellen gefährlich rauschten.
      Dieser natürliche Spa auf der rechten Seite der Felsformation erinnerte mich an einen überdimensionierten Mermaid Pool. Heute war es mir aber zu kalt, um hineinzugehen.

      Ich blieb lieber oben auf dem „Berg“ sitzen und beobachtete die Wellen und vor allem den bevorstehenden Sonnenuntergang.
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    • Day 11

      Injidup Natural Spa / Prevelly

      January 16, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Das Injidup Natural Spa ist ein natürlicher Pool zwischen den Felsen an der Küste, welcher von den grössten Wellen aufgefüllt wird.
      Um ihn zu erreichen benötigt es Kletterkünste, welche dann mit einer kalten Dusche belohnt werden.
      Um unseren Hunger zu stillen fuhren wir weiter an den weltberühmten Surfspot von Prevelly. Das Essen im Café war seeehr lecker!!!
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    • Day 106


      February 11 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      Am Sonntag ging es als erstes in eine Brauerei zum frühstücken. Wir teilten uns eine Brotzeit, Jassi genoss ihr Weißwein und ich probierte ein Biertasting mit vier verschiedenen Bieren. Wobei zwei Biere (das IPA und DIPA) wirklich nicht gut waren (ich verzogener Bayer) 🙈 danach wollten wir zu einem Natural Spa (Naturpool) gehen. Jedoch war dort kaum Wasser drin und sehr überlaufen mit Menschen. Da entdecken wir daneben einen wunderschönen Strand und verbrachten einen großen Teil unserer Zeit dort. Wir ließen uns mit unseren Reifen jedes Mal mit den Wellen wieder ans Ufer treiben. Danach fuhren wir ca 2km weiter an einen Strand an dem keine Menschenseele war. Es gab dort eine kleine Abgrenzung zum Meerwasser auf Sandebene, dies war perfekt um uns auf dem Wasser etwas treiben zu lassen, ohne Angst zu haben, dass Haie kommen. Zum Nachmittag besuchten wir noch eine kleine „Aussichtsplattform“ ein Steg der über die Steine bis hin zu einer schönen Bucht ging.Read more

    • Day 139

      Boys and girls days

      February 15, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Ladies went off to the spa at about 10.30, the boys piled in the truck and headed to a natural spa. A massive pool which gets a flushing of gushing bubbling water from waves cascading over the rocks. All the boys had a dip. Then we chased crabs with Archie and Chester for 30 mins.
      Off for lunch to the Caves road Black Brewing Co for a fantastic lamb ribs and pork belly. Tssssk. Ohh sir.
      Had a small play in the playground where Andrew and I spun round on a spinny thing and felt very very sick.
      Stopped into Gralyn Estate to taste some chocolate and wines (mainly fortified).
      Then we went to Yallingup Maze. I teamed up with Archie, Andrew had Chester. Archie and I cruised to an initial lead of 2 towers. Then none of us could find our way to the third tower. Teaming up we managed to navigate through to the end, whilst losing Chester only the once.
      We all fancied ice cream so went to the excellent Simmos Ice Creamery. Soooo yummy, and a small play in the playground.
      Told the ladies to get some shopping on the way back. Whilst the lads played games at home.
      Another great evening of food and wine.
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    • Day 136


      February 12, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Whaaaaat! No way we are half way through already, but yup apparently so.
      Got up at 5.45 to meet Andrew outside the front of the house. We were the advanced surfing party. Zoomed down to Margaret river with Steven. Spied the beach then waited for Andrew's friend to arrive whilst having a courage pie and coke.
      Went round to south point to start the surf. It was pretty big with some big rips. I decided to watch the others for a bit to see how they got on. After 45 mins of watching with Steve, with only 1 wave caught between them, I decided to go round the corner to the smaller, more crowded but more consistent looking wave.
      Had a fun little surf.
      We then went along to another beach and met up with Hannah and Heather who had driven down a bit later.
      Massive dumpy surf here. I got the boogy board and got a few. Then Andrew and I went in with the hand planes. Couldn't really commit to the big ones as it would have been face crunch into the sand.
      Thunder was rolling in, so we retired to the accommodation via Coles for food. Amazing place with a pool and huge open space. Andrew, Hannah and I cooked up a lovely salad.
      G and Td up we were all knackered. Final challenge of getting the boys to bed. Then bedtime for the rest of us.
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