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  • Day 5

    Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur

    June 5, 2007 in Iceland ⋅ 10 °C

    After seeing this, Ron went north and west for a couple of blocks to eat. Icelanders are utterly addicted to hot dogs (pýlsur), and they swear the best come from Bæjarins Beztu, a truck near the harbour on Tryggvagata, patronized by Bill Clinton. (There is a picture of him eating here) and late-night bar hoppers. Ron wanted to try for himself, so he walked a block north to that stand.
    Eina með öllu, Ron said, (‘One with everything’) to get the quintessential favourite with ketchup (tómatsósa), sweet mustard (sinnep) and crunchy onions (laukur), and cost Ikr 230. He was tired and hungry after all that walking, and the dogs were so delicious he got a second and third. Rumour had it they‘re so delicious because they‘re cooked in beer. Ron thought that was just Icelandic humour. He also heard the ketchup was made of apples. They also came with remolaði, a brownish-colored condiment looking a bit like mustard, but tasting like relish.
    Icelanders also love caffeine, both in kaffi (coffee) and Coca-Cola. They drink more Coke per capita than any other country (about 25 gallons each per year). Ron was happy to share in that Icelandic custom!
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