  • Dag 111

    Rest day

    27 december 2019, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    After 2 pretty exhausting days, we had a rest day in Salina Cruz. Plans worked out perfectly, as we got bus tickets for a night bus to Villahermosa. By taking the bus, we can save some days getting to the Belizean boarder and avoid the disgusting head winds that always blow from the North through the "canal like" geography at this part of Mexico.
    We used the morning to sleep in, eat a lot of food, and buy a mosquito net which we can use for camping in the hot Central American countries. In the afternoon, we went to a local beach at Salinas de Márquez. The beach was pretty cool, very long, very few people and only locals. We were wondering why they didn't make it a tourist place with big hotels, until a guy at the restaurant told us that currents are too dangerous to swim and it's only save near the rocks (which was only like a 50m stretch). So we went for a final swim in the Pacific for a while, relaxed at the restaurant and got ourselves some seafood treats.
    We then spent the evening at the bus station, waiting to board our night bus. I didn't want to believe that they would take the bicycles without problems, but when it was finally time to get onto the bus, they just called a couple of people to help watching and discussing the issue - and then just put the bikes and all our luggage into the bottom of the bus. Mexican "not-bureaucracy"...
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