  • Dag 337


    7 maj 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Irgendwann musste es ja passieren, der erste Regen. Wir haben heute nur 50 km geschafft. Der Weg führte durch das Fichtelgebirge. Kleine bayrische Dörfer, ein kleiner Junge folgte uns ein paar Kilometer. Endstation ist heute Bayreuth. Eine heiße Dusche, eine kleine Einbauküche, ein Traum. Morgen geht es früher los. Unser Tagesziel, Nürnberg.

    Today I found out that my (recently resprayed) waterproof jacket is about as much use as a chocolate tea pot...but also if you keep moving in the rain it doesn't matter so much about getting wet if you have something dry to put on afterwards.

    Having a bike laden with panniers seems to be an invitation for people to ask where you are going :D I love seeing their faces when we tell them 😀. Admittedly only two days in but now we've made the first wild camp, made it through the vogtland hills and the Fichtelgebirge its feeling more like we are getting used to the bikes and being on the go. Here's hoping for better weather tomorrow!!

    (2 days in- still not bought any food! - a sign we brought too much with us 🙊)

    Bayreuth seems to be a quaint small city with some nice architecture, parks and well-conceived cycle routes through the city.

    Peter's beer consumption: 1 small one from the petrol station.

    Chocolate consumption:
    3/4 of a rum and raisen ritter sport.
    1/2 an almond schogetten bar.
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