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    23.10 Day 37 . . . Civray Brocante

    23. Oktober 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    So we thought we were going to all sleep in this morning, but that didn’t seem to happen and we all woke relatively early.
    We decided we would have a lazy morning until Tre saw an advert for a Brocante at Civray. All happy to give it a go, we hustled around and we’re out the door at about 11am.
    Parked up in Civray we found the brocant in the main square. To be fair it wasn’t the biggest or busiest of affairs and seemed to be more professional sellers of antique type items, than the locals selling their ‘not wanted’ items we had seen at others. After a slow walk around we decided to show Munch the interior of the Church of St Nicolas which holds positions in the main square. A treasure of Roman Art, the 12th century Civray Church has a rectangular-shaped façade bearing many wonderful sculptures including depictions of wise and foolish virgins and also the Assumption. The inside of the church is decorated with an octagonal lantern tower and a mural recounting the story of Saint Giles.
    After Civray we popped down to Charroux with the intention of showing Munch the Tower that holds centre stage within the town. On arrival however we found it was closed - afternoon shutdown! So we had a look from the outside at the Tower and then had a wander up and down the main street and the covered market. Once we had walked Charroux we hopped back into Roxvanne and headed for home and some late lunch.
    Back at ours and following some more bread and cheese Tre and Munch visited the pool for done sunshine while I inspected the insides of my eyelids for an hour or so.
    The afternoon quickly rolled into the evening where I threw together some duck breast, smashed potatoes with garlic and lardons and salad.
    It was probably the smell of the duck breast cooking that brought the first visit of our neighbours cat to our patio area. Definitely not a lap cat, but very much I’m here to be stroked type of cat - he/she (I didn’t check) stayed for an hour before wandering off into the now darkness of the night.
    Tomorrow we view some properties again.