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    17.01 Day 123 . . . The Long Wait

    17. Januar 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

    Rubbish start to the day with some aggro back in the UK that needed sorting, this stuff is so negative.
    To brighten my mood I decided to go and tidy the van and inflate tyres etc ready for our imminent return to the UK. Good idea but when the large battery unit I have for the van turned out to be flat fair to say my mood darkened. So that unit went inside to be charged . . . oh and then it doesn’t like being charged by the French power supply . . . FFS.
    Anyhow Tre had her first hairdressing appointment today and due to issues with phones I didn’t want her to go on her own, so we agreed I would take her and wait somewhere . . . probably in a bar nearby. She guessed she might be 2 hours in the barnet shop.
    So at about 2pm I dropped Tre off in Sauze at the salon and I ventured onto SuperU primarily to get some gifts to take back to the UK for some friends (yes we have some).
    I decided to check out foot pumps in store . . . 39€, bit steep I thought. So other gifts acquired I left SuperU to go to Bricomon across the road. Everything else to do with cars available, but no foot pumps. New idea . . . drive to an air line somewhere. As I left Bricomon unbelievably, I saw a car wash and airline behind SuperU, something Id not discovered before. So having collected Rox we parked up on the airline . . . . after five minutes of button pressing it was obviously
    Not Blood Working!!
    Anyhow 39€ less well off I left SuperU again, this time with a foot pump.
    I drove to a car park in Sauze and spent the next hour sorting tyres and other bits and pieces within Roxvanne. All sorted and fully inflated tyres I drove and parked up waiting for Tre.
    I sat happily in Rox, reading articles on my phone, playing the occasional game and also having a little nap. I was only disturbed at one point when a staff member from the hairdressers came out to tell me they were still way off finishing with Tre.
    Just before 6pm Tre appeared at Rox and climbed in, apologising for the 4 hour wait . . . I really hadn’t noticed, I had quite enjoyed my little quiet time.
    From Sauze we drove to check on the house at Chenay. Due to the near constant rain over the past days there had been some localised flooding. On arrival all was good and the general area also seemed fine, which was reassuring for us.
    Back at home we had dinner and then packed for our trip in the morning - off back to the other place as we affectionally call it. A little TV and an early night - we are up early again tomorrow.

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