French Frolics

September 2022 - June 2024
Jumping off the hampster wheel, taking a breath and hopefully enjoying our lives to the full. Champagne, wine and plenty of cheese. Read more
Currently traveling
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  • Day 42

    28.10 Day 42 . . . Admin Admin Admin

    October 28, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Today we needed to sort a few things admin. Initially as always the wifi was playing up so after an hour of faffing about with it we hit a solution and we could get a decent enough signal.
    First off was the email to the Douane asking him when we might hear about the van importation cost for Roxvanne. It had been a good four weeks since we visited him and then sent him the documents he required. A nice polite ‘have we missed your reply’ email sent we got onto the next.
    Calling Renault to get a Certificate of Conformity and asking them what documents they would accept as proof of ownership, bearing in mind some of our documents are in storage. That sorted we gathered together all the electronic versions of everything and submitted on their portal. After three attempts due to their portal reporting an error, it was back on the phone to Renault. ‘Have you tried a different device or could you use another search engine’ was the advice we received. Less than happy I did try another search engine, but decided enough was enough and we should go out for a while.
    Off out in Roxvanne we decided to take the back roads to Sauze Vaussais and check out a couple of other little hamlets on route.
    We travelled through Melleran on route and passed a huge wood yard, which we must remember for when we start our projects. Also we have noticed what appears to be a late or second round of Sun Flowers being produced in quite a few of the fields. Some definitely look like a second crop and although short in height are stunning with flower.
    Into Sauze Vaussais we had our first encounter in a post office to send some documents (actually Tre did, I just stood, listened and smiled like an idiot). Then into the little spar shop to buy a few bits
    We then drove from Sauze to Lorigné and then back across towards Melleran and stopped at the impressive church which is undergoing restoration inside. Église Notre-Dame (Melleran) has a stunning bell tower which is accessed immediately on entering. It was a pity scaffolding was within, but it was still possible to see the vaulted ceilings and artwork at the alter that the restoration guys were working on.
    After visiting the church we covered quite a few more country lanes before ending up back at ours.
    On arrival at the gite we had received a reply from the Douane who wanted us to call him. Preparing ourselves for an attempt to liaise with him in part poor French on our side and part poor English on his - and also how much it was going to cost us. The call went well, everything understood and nowhere near as expensive as we had dreaded.
    Then to top it all I checked the laptop and the Renault portal thing had worked as well - result!
    I then emptied some larger tool items from Roxvanne, which I had found a home for in the Gite and we then relaxed into the late afternoon and evening.
    Not such a bad day after all. Progress!!
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  • Day 43

    29.10 Day 43 . . . Do Nothing!

    October 29, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Today was our last day before we travel back to Blighty again - for me to do a few more days UK work.
    So we got up late to find the weather a little overcast and possibly even chilly!
    I managed to destroy two apple pastries for breakfast before we decided to sort a couple of things on the laptop, well the weather was pants for once!
    Wifi playing up again we decided to sack the laptop idea and got ready to go out. When I say go out it was only to grab some more pellets for the as yet unused pellet burner, some food to see us through to departure tomorrow and some cash.
    We spent more time than normal wandering around SuperU - this has been the first time we have actually just wandered and checked everything out within the store - every other time we have had other things to do so have kept it to a minimum.
    Everything we needed in the trolley, we paid and left.
    A quick jaunt to Melle for the cash we needed and then Tre drove us home.
    We unpacked a few more things from Roxvanne that we had left in there since returning from the UK last time and then sat in the now sunshine for an hour or so.
    In the late afternoon we decided to watch the first DVD film since arriving here in September with a couple of glasses of Pineau de Charentes . . . our first bottle of this local produce - very sweet and a little like sherry?
    Tre knocked up a fab dinner and we chilled for the remainder of the evening.
    Tomorrow has come too quickly and we really don’t want to go!
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  • Day 44

    30.10 Day 44 . . . Last Day For A While!

    October 30, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Last day at our place today, for a while anyway. My work getting in the way of French life . . . Not for much longer.
    We spent the early morning chilling and catching up with emails and messages. Then it was time to get on. Packing a bag to cover both of us for 11 days, together with my work bag - trying to ensure I’d not forgot anything. As we are flying it felt different to when we driven in Roxvanne, as I had everything and some spares, but not this time.
    So bags sorted and everything tidied up and put away we were cooking on gas. Then a short surge in the electric turned the pellet burner display on! We’ve not had it on since being there. I pressed the on/off button to switch it off but actually turned it on instead. Pellets dropping into the burner and the flame licking away within an instant. It didn’t matter how many times I tried to switch it off, it didn’t want to know and carried on chucking out heat. Finally we decided to leave it be for a while and eventually it started to ease and finally went out. Not what I wanted as we were about to leave the property.
    We spent the remainder of the afternoon chillin before grabbing our bags to go and meet our lift to the airport.
    At about 5.30pm Shirley arrived together with Rosemary and we were soon on route to Limoges . . . But not for long. Literally 10 minutes later we were directed off the road by a fleet of motorcycle riding Gendarmes. To be fair, a few checks of Shirley’s documents and we were on our way again - much to Tre and my relief.
    We arrived at Limoges at just gone 7pm - it being more like a service station on a motorway that’s and airport.
    We said our goodbyes to both Shirley and Rosemary and we went to check in. About 45 minutes later Tre and I were sitting waiting for oit now delayed flight, having cleared security and passport control.
    We finally hopped onto the plane at about 10.30pm and with a slightly bumpy but otherwise uneventful flight we subsequently landed at Gatwick at 10.30pm UK time - who knew we were time travellers!!
    Was a little surreal getting off the plane and walking from what used to be called the satellite at the south terminal through to the passport hall. No more is there a transit system as there was those many years ago when working at the airport - but it brought back memories just the same.
    Passports checked, we are back in the UK, bags collected from the baggage belts and Tre was on the phone for a taxi.
    As we walked from the Nothing to Declare lanes outside to the arrivals hall, we were jumped on by Mr and Mrs Hollywood - scaring the bejesus out of us . . . totally unexpected. They had pitched up without telling us just to say hello and welcome us home. Was a lovely thought and gesture - the sort of thing these mad muppets do all the time.
    An all to short period later The Hollywoods were on route to the car park to their car and us to our waiting taxi.
    Half an hour later we were indoors in East Grinstead it being about midnight. That’s it back in the UK for the next 11 days!
    A journey back to Kent tomorrow to start - and countdown to getting back to France at the end of those days . . . This time we have The Hollywoods coming for a visit . . . what could go wrong.
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  • Day 45

    31.10 - 11.11 Day 45 - 56 . . Not France

    October 31, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    31.10.22 . . . Day 45 . . . East Grinstead & Travel to Manston
    01.11..22-05.11.22 Days 46-50 . . . Work!!
    06.11.22 . . . Day 51 . . . Day Off For Visits
    07.11.22-11.11.22 Days 52-56 . . . Work!!

  • Day 57

    12.11 Day 57 . . . . And We’re Back

    November 12, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    So we are back - bet you’ve not missed us!!
    As work had finished yesterday and we had returned to East Grinstead, water and fed ourselves - we were up mega early this morning to get a cab to the airport.
    The cab arrived early and we found ourselves at Gatwick North Terminal about half an hour later.
    A short while later we unfortunately bumped into an odd couple - Mr and Mrs Hollywood, who had weirdly booked onto the same flight as us. As a gesture of good will we decided to stick with them and made our way through the airport to our flight. Whilst on the boarding jetty a comment was made about Mr H being the glue that held everything together to which I remarked ‘Yes he has always been a Pritt’ (as in Pritt Stick) but needs a letter changed - little did I know how many times this would get mentioned over the coming days. Take off was on time and arrival at Bordeaux was just over an hour later. After making a schoolboy error and taking a large bag with no wheels, I suffered in the Bordeaux sunshine lugging it to the car rental office.
    Anyone that visits Bordeaux and hires a car should consider Enterprise - just to get the experience of ‘Ronaldo’ the agent who looked after us. Very proficient, happy to have a laugh about absolutely anything and happy to ‘on the spot’ upgrade our car hire option made him star of the day.
    Off towards our place on the normal route out of Bordeaux, north and most of the way on the N10. A brief stop for coffee and a sandwich only. Within two hours we were pulling up outside and I loading suitcases for Mr & Mrs H.
    We decided to give them the grand tour - all of five minutes, followed by a cup of British tea and then a chill for an hour or so.
    Back out off to get supplies (from our now favourite SuperU) for the four of us for the next couple of days and to stock up on Rosé, primarily for
    Mr H of course - and then back to ours.
    Due to the fact that we were all completely knackered from the days early start and travels we decided to have a light snack type of evenings food washed down with a bottle of our Epernay champagne, which we had specially put in the fridge before leaving a couple weeks ago. To top off the evening we had the grand first lighting of the pellet burner - as we had not fired this up in anger since being here. All went well until it decided to shut down shortly after firing up. Re-started and fired up again . . . It shut down five minutes later. So we ended the evening, full, slightly warmed, knackered (especially Mr H who it had all become a little too much for - as the photos show) - knowing I had to sort the burner tomorrow so that it worked for the rest of Mr & Mrs H’s little stay . . . and of course for us longer term!
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  • Day 58

    13.11 Day 58 . . . . Lazy Sunday

    November 13, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    Not surprisingly no-one was in a rush to get up today and we didn’t really make it downstairs til gone 10am.
    Sitting on the patio area Mr H noticed the Hummingbird Moth that was mentioned here a few days ago - back on its favourite flower. At the same time Teresa noticed we were now growing our own mushrooms in the flower beds. A little research provided us with all the info we needed about adding them to our breakfast regime . . . . Er No! Apparently they are called Ink-caps and not particularly healthy eating.
    The sun was glorious today and so after a quick breakfast all four of us located out to the pool area.
    The pool was way to cold to tempt a dip and besides, Hannah had fitted the winter cover so it was more of a trampoline than a swimming pool.
    Sun loungers and cushions set out we all settled back for a day in the sunshine and warmth of the day.
    We pretty much stayed out all day with the exception of trips to get drinks and ice creams! Ice creams by the pool in November . . . WTF !!
    Nothing other to report for today, apart from some glowing pink faces come 7pm and some rested people.
    Along with pork chops and roasted vegetables we introduced the Hollywoods to our new smashed potato concept, which being the potato queen he is Mr H was surprisingly gracious about.
    That was it for the day - sunshine and rest, lovely!!
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  • Day 59

    14.11 Day 59 . . . . La Rochelle

    November 14, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    We had already decided that today was going to be a little bit of an adventure for all of us, so up and breakfasted we hopped into our ‘Ronaldo Upgrade’ Peugeot 3008 and off we set for La Rochelle.
    Heading west the weather wasn’t too good - in fact it was raining heavily. The only hope was, that as we gazed west we could see blue sky in the distance - a long way off.
    We passed some stunning countryside as we trundled along towards the coast and it was pleasing not to be asked once ‘Are we there yet?’
    As we rolled into La Rochelle we attempted to head for the old port but found on almost getting there that the last couple of roads were blocked. Another route ended with the same result on different roads. Not wishing to walk too far in the still wet weather we decided to head out of the town centre and over the bridge to Îlé de Ré, which I hadn’t known was even there until we were searching the maps for a route to the port. We paid the fee to cross the Pont de L’Îlé de Ré which is quite a spectacular bridge spanning on what seems like a curve to the island.
    Once onto the island we stopped to admire a couple of lovely beaches on both the north and south sides of the island. The sun had now decided to make an appearance although the breeze was quite fresh. The tide was out and so the entirety of the beach could be seen. It did remind Tre and I if our days at West Wittering.
    Further down the beach we could see men working with tractors on the beach and we guessed it may be to do with mussel or oyster farming - but we were to far to see.
    Obligatory photos taken we decided to drive further down the island. We hadn’t quite realised how large it was and it wasn’t long before we decided that as the weather had now changed for the better, that perhaps now was the time to return to La Rochelle. A quick coffee and sandwich grabbed at a cafe and we were heading back over the bridge, looking to head to the old port from the opposite direction than previously.
    Off the bridge we hung a right and found our way straight to a parking area near the port.
    The sun was still out and so our little explore of La Rochelle could commence.
    Heading south on Rue des Fagots (which obviously incurred sniggers from Mr H) we found ourselves at the Tour de la Lanterne (The Lantern Tower of La Rochelle). The Lantern Tower is one of the three medieval historic towers in La Rochelle, Poitou-Charentes, France, which guarded the port at Aunis. The Lantern tower served as a Lighthouse and a prison throughout its history. It was also known by other names: Garrot tower, Priest tower, and Four Sergeant tower.
    From there we walked along the battlement to the Tour de La Chaîne (Chain Tower). The Chain Tower along with the Lantern Tower and the Saint Nicolas Tower, is one of the three medieval towers guarding the port in La Rochelle. It is called the Chain Tower because an actual chain was stretched across the port entrance from this building. We then dropped down to Cr des Dames and walked alongside the port area. We noticed here that one of the restaurants were specialising in oysters - fresh from Îlé de Ré.
    After a slow walk around the port we stopped for drinks in the late afternoon sunshine - overlooking the port.
    A further slow walk around many of the back streets and shops found us finally returning to the car park, loading up and heading for home.
    One quick stop for fuel and we were back home for the evening and food - ham and cheese pancakes baked in with tomatoes and onions and topped with even more cheese. May have been a couple of glasses of wine as well - just maybe!
    Tomorrow is market day - early to bed!
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  • Day 60

    15.11 Day 60 . . . Aubigne House

    November 15, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    So it would not be a holiday trip without us showing our guests our little Lezay market as it was Tuesday. We dragged Mr & Mrs Hollywood out of our place early doors and off we went in the torrential rain to Lezay with Mr H having a drive of the splendid hire car.
    Surprising, we arrived safely and non-dented at Lezay and basically run (shuffled) from the car to the little cafe we often visit. The rain was bloody awful. We weren’t the only ones seeking cover in the cafe as it appeared the busiest we’d ever seen it.
    The waitress came over to take our order, at which point Mr H - buoyed by his driving display, decided to go for gold and order his own drink . . . ‘Un café con lèche por favor’ belted bravely across the table. I was sure the waitress was about to burst into a fit of giggles but instead she simply replied ‘Oui’ and took the remaining orders. I was left speechless 😂
    Most of the regular market stalls had failed to turn up due to the weather, but in a short break from the rain we did a quick tour of the stalls that were on site or within the indoor market. The indoor market allowed Mr H to practice more of his French vocabulary ordering a ‘Pomme Flan’, which again was met with jaw dropping understanding by the market worker. I think I will have a go at the language Mr H uses as it works every time.
    Mrs H had a go as well ordering six pears, although she almost ordered 16 - but saved herself brilliantly.
    The market was however such a damp squib we returned to the car and home with pears, pomme flan a cheese ballon cake and various other goodies safely secured.
    We had an hour or so at home and grabbing lunch before heading out to view a house at Aubigne. There we met Peter the estate agent who showed us a lovely property with a stunning garden, in fact really three independent gardens and a further area of orchard that needed recovery from brambles on acid. The house was actually three houses all joined. The first was in a good state of repair with some interior work required. The middle second needed decidedly more work, more than we had expected. The third was a wreck - so much so it had its own resident bats . . . Yes bats!
    The houses however were in a lovely setting with lovely grounds and Teresa just loved the church nearby, I however was less enthused about bells every hour at a distance of about 50 metres away. After a good period of time we left the property and made our way to Chef Boutonne.
    At Chef we entered a bar we’ve not visited too many times and had a couple of drinks. Then we went to grab some supplies from the SuperU Express - we decided introduce Mr & Mrs H to confit duck.
    Back home we had the duck and another batch of smashed potatoes, all washed down with a few wines, beers and pinau, before calling it a day.
    Tomorrow is due to be better weather - fingers crossed.
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  • Day 61

    16.11 Day 61 . . . Wind Turbines

    November 16, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Mr & Mrs H seem to have brought some rain with them from Blighty and so it continued this morning, even with us having a lazy get up and ready - it was still a bit damp outside.
    We had no firm plans for today, so decided to do a little road trip around some villages and hamlets that Tre and I hadn’t visited yet, let alone the Hollywoods.
    We headed generally west through the countryside clipping the north side of Chef Boutonne down to visit Cateau Javazay which of course was shut due to the time of year, but worth a quick visit for MR & Mrs H We then headed south towards Fontenille-Saint-Martin-D’Entraigues and then on and through Paizay-Le- Chapt, to Ensigné and then through the forest (where the chasse were out in force) through to Vinax.
    Now ever since Mr H has been here he has attempted to get ip close and personal to a wind turbine, even going off for walks from ours to go attempt to get close the ones near us. Well today was the day - in and around Vinax we got about as close as you can get by car (without using the specifically designed paths to them for the Turbine engineers) and so Mr H took the plunge and headed off across the field to get to one. Even from the car the sound and turbulence from them was obvious. We watched as Mr H hurdled the ploughed ditches of the field and got his photos. Once back in the car we decided it was time for hot chocolate and headed back towards Chef Boutonne. The journey did consist of an awful lot of re-runs of one particular video Mr H had obtained of the turbine and its noise. Little did we know this video and it’s soundtrack would feature heavily upon us over the next few days 😂
    Back in Chef we visited our normal haunt and grabbed some hot chocolate, then SuperU to grab some merguez sausages for tea.
    Back in the car we trotted off to Mellerand to show Paul & Mary the lovely church there . . . It was shut !!
    So we trundled back to ours where we were visited by Hannah our lovely landlady, who over-saw me bypass part of our pellet burner by undoing two cables from there connectors and joining them together with a paper clip. This apparently is the approved method when the pellet burner doesn’t feed pellets correctly - so says the chimney sweep/pellet burner man. He is due in a few days with a replacement part.
    After that excitement we chilled and listened to some music - Mrs H enlightening us on the extensive catalogue of Charles Aznavour and Mr H loads of old stuff none of had heard for ages - 10cc for one . . . . ‘Oh Donna’ probably not being one of their best tracks!
    Merguez sausages in crusty French bread with other bits for tea followed by the ‘Tourteau Fromagé’ the speciality Deux Sevrés cheese cake and the infamous Pomme Flan.
    Early-ish night as Bordeaux bound tomorrow!
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  • Day 62

    17.11 Day 62 . . . Bordeaux Bound

    November 17, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Our aim was to leave by about 9.30am to travel to Bordeaux and then have some time in the city.
    It was about that time when we packed the Hollywoods cases into the car and we set off, myself and Mr H in the hire car and Tre and Mrs H following along in Roxvanne. As per the last couple of days the weather was bloody awful and we made slow progress down the N10 in the rain dodging the numerous HGVs that were thundering along with us.
    We stopped briefly on route to grab some food and a hot drink and then we were off again on the very short last leg to Bordeaux. One pit stop just outside Bordeaux to fill the hire car tank with fuel and then in towards the airport and to out very cheap and cheerful hotel.
    We arrived at the hotel in pouring rain and ran inside to book in. Ten minutes later we had dropped all our bags I to the rooms and had established from the receptionist that the No 1 bus took us to the heart of the city.
    We walked now thankfully in light drizzle to the bus stop and waited. The receptionist had promised buses were every ten minutes and she wasn’t wrong. All on board for the princely sum of €6 for all four of us, we undertook what was about 30 minutes to the city centre.
    We hopped off at Gambette-Mériadeck as instructed by the receptionist and walked towards the Cathedral.
    It was a matter of minutes before we found ourselves in-explicably drawn into an Irish bar ‘The Connemara’ where we had a couple of drinks to warm up from several dousing’s of rain. From there we wandered a few minutes around the corner to Bordeaux Cathedral - Cathédrale Saint-André de Bordeaux. Bordeaux Cathedral, officially known as the Primatial Cathedral of St Andrew of Bordeaux (French: Cathédrale-Primatiale Saint-André de Bordeaux), is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Andrew and located in Bordeaux. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Bordeaux.
    By now the light had almost gone and we spent sometime in the square watching artists sketching, before finally entering the cathedral. Inside was absolutely jaw-dropping. The height, the design, the detail and the pure amazement of how this could have been built, like this, so many years ago. It was an absolute pleasure to walk around this cathedral and that is from someone who is not the greatest lover of churches or things religious. To top it all at one point, there was an evening service, which in the main was sung by both the church clergy and those attending the service - it was very special and truly lovely to hear.
    We finally left the cathedral and walked east until hitting the road which runs along the west side of the River Garonne. We walked along the river before turning back west when we reached Porte Cailhau. Built between 1493 and 1496 on the site of an ancient defensive gate, this gatehouse honoured King Charles VIII’s conquest of the Kingdom of Naples. On the sidefacing the river, a niche with his effigy commemorates his victories in the build up to the Battle of Fornovo (1495). While undoubtedly a military edifice, equipped with a port cullis and wide machicolations, the forthcoming Renaissance period brought with it a new architectural language of mullioned windows and freestone carvings. It provides a 23 metre high panoramic view of the river.
    We then walked the back streets until we found a restaurant, which turned out to be directly opposite the cathedral again - when we did we were so lucky to find one that was so typically French, which was perfect for our last night with Mr & Mrs H. Café Français at 5 Pl. Pey Berland, is as you would imagine a French restaurant to be. Styled and just so! We also hit gold with our waitress ‘Harmonie’ who could not do enough to help us, smiling and laughing the entire time. She was a credit to the restaurant - at tentative when she needed to be without overly fussing. Three of us undertook steaks while Mrs H has a lovely looking salad. Very large beers and wine were had before puds!
    All four of rolled out of the restaurant, totally stuffed.
    We walked back to Gambette-Mériadeck to catch the bus back to the hotel, conscious it was getting late. After realising we needed to find the street for the return journey, which was not Gambette-Mériadeck, we hastily hustled through some further back streets, before having to ask a bar owner for directions. He kindly came out of his bar and walked us down another side street and pointing to our stop.
    Ten minutes later we were on the bus back and half hour later we walked into our hotel, said our good nights and retired to our rooms.
    Tomorrow was going to be a very early start !!
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